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¿What are the leading job boards in Israel?
Category: Business and Money > Employment Asked by: jobboardinvestigator-ga List Price: $50.00 |
07 May 2004 06:35 PDT
Expires: 06 Jun 2004 06:35 PDT Question ID: 342661 |
¿What are the leading job boards in Israel? Please reply with URLs and as much data/information as possible. |
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Re: ??What are the leading job boards in Israel?
Answered By: politicalguru-ga on 07 May 2004 09:16 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Dear Job Board Investigator, Few remarks on Israel. First of all, as a relatively small country, there aren't many popular job boards, printed and not-printed. From my experience there, the print media is the main source for job-ads (and not any online source); there is no comparison to sites such as "Monster.com" in Israel (most online job boards are a version of a printed board); and most job seekers rely, in any case, on connections ("Vitamin C"). The following boards are all in Hebrew, as naturally, the "leading boards" are all in that language. "Leading" --------- These are the ones that have the most job offers in them; are widely read and popular. Lu'ach Ha'ir <http://www.6382020.co.il/jobs/> Also published in a print version (by the "Ha'ir" weekly and a series of local newspapers printed by Haaretz); the print version is published twice a week. Also used by the portal Walla (www.walla.co.il). Also activates a board specialising in the high-tech branch: High Tech Jobs <http://www.hitechjob.co.il/> Lu'ach Yedi'ot Achronot <http://www.ynetcenter.co.il/J/> Also published in a print version by the tabloid "Yedi'ot Achronot", which is the most popular in Israel. Lu'ach Ma'ariv <http://www.maariv.co.il/luach/owa/job.search?add_city_in=dummy> The second largest tabloid in Israel. Also publishes a print version twice a week. Muvtal <http://www.jobs.muvtal.co.il/> Muvtal means "unemployed" in Hebrew, and the site is a "support" site for those on the dole, including a job board. Nana <http://jobs.nana.co.il/Employee/index.asp> Part of the Internet portal "Nana". AACI - Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel <http://www.jobnet.co.il/> Job board in English, mostly for immigrants from those countries; but recommended - as far as I saw - in many sites frequented by unemployed. Other sites include: ------------------- JobMaster <http://www.jobmaster.co.il/> Localista <http://www.localista.com/> Portal Job <http://www.portaljob.net/> Parnasa <http://www.parnasa.co.il/luach_parnasa> Doesn't seem to be very active, despite being recommended in several support forums for unemployed. Job Avoda <http://jobavoda.cjb.net> Also, doesn't seem to be very updated or soaring with employment offers. Job Info <http://www.jobinfo.co.il/Content/Search/Channel_search.asp?ComeFrom=0> - a job placement service for high-tech specialists. Recursion <http://www.recursion.co.il/drushim.asp> Another board specialising in high-tech jobs Law Jobs <http://www.lawjobs.co.il/> Specialising in the legal branch. Homepage in English. Job Tov <http://www.jobtov.co.il/> The students' placement agency, operated partially by the Students' Union. Ganim http://www.ganim.co.il For kindergarten and nursery employees. Pharma-Jobs <http://www.pharma-job.co.il/code/misrot.asp> Placement services in the pharmaceutical industry, not a free job board. Further Sites: ------------- The Israeli (Un)employment Agency's site is at Shirut ha'Ta'asuka <http://www.taasuka.gov.il> (In Hebrew, Arabic, Russian and English) The site does not include job listings itself, but only links to the sites already mentioned (SEE: http://www.taasuka.gov.il/links.asp). Aliyah - Jobs - Data Bases / Resources <http://www.jr.co.il/aliyah/jobs-db.htm> A list of job boards for immigrants to Israel. I hope this answered your question. Please contact me if you need any further clarification on this answer before you rate it. Search strategy: The terms "job board" ; "wanted" ; "jobs" in Hebrew on Google The term "job board" with a limitation to Israeli sites (through site:il) Phone calls to several sources in Israel, to receive more information. |
rated this answer:![]() Great! Fast & 100% accurate! |
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Re: ??What are the leading job boards in Israel?
From: politicalguru-ga on 07 May 2004 11:38 PDT |
Thank you for the ratings! |
Re: ¿What are the leading job boards in Israel?
From: jobboardinvestigator-ga on 08 May 2004 02:31 PDT |
Thanks! only 1 question: I need to put in a ranking: ¿What's the "Nielsen" of Israel? |
Re: ??What are the leading job boards in Israel?
From: politicalguru-ga on 09 May 2004 02:37 PDT |
"Nielsen" does not conduct website rating in Israel, another company, TNS, does. Contacts: Dori Shadmon TNS Teleseker 33 Jabotinsky st. Ramat- Gan Israel Tel: 972 3 6102200 Fax: 972 3 6130341 I didn't find any rating for the job-boards, and you may have to order one yourself. One could only estimate, based on their general popularity survey on sites in Israel. It should be mentioned that they still used, in this survey, a recall methodology (which means that interviewees are asked to recall when was the last time (and how frequently) they visit a certain site: November 2003: Shi'urei Chasifa le-Atarim Nivcharim (November 2003) <http://wmh.walla.co.il/archive/94083-5.jpg> Notes on this table: Under the title: The percentage refers to the total users of the Internet, among the Jewish population, adults (18+) and teens (13-18), _every percent in the culumn represents 25,000 surfers_ Columns, from left to right: [site name's in English (no title)]; Nov. 2003 Teens % ; Nov. 2003 Adults % ; February 2003 ; Nov. 2003 total; [site name in Hebrew (no title)] The untranslated two last lines mean: "Sites related to Ha'aretz group" [meaning, according to the note bellow, the sites of : Walla, Ha'aretz , IOL, The Marker and ON-LINE] Sites related to MSN: MSN and Hotmail in English and Hebrew and of Start.co.il] |
Re: ¿What are the leading job boards in Israel?
From: jobboardinvestigator-ga on 10 May 2004 00:48 PDT |
Political Guru: GREAT!!!¿Are you from Israel? I will put more questions about "Nielsen Equivalents" in other countries. |
Re: ??What are the leading job boards in Israel?
From: politicalguru-ga on 10 May 2004 02:39 PDT |
JOb Board Investigator - I am not from Israel, but am able to search in Hebrew (as well as German, and sometimes other Germanic or Semitic languages; I also managed once or twice to get my rusty Russian out of the dark corner where I pushed it). |
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