<Number of homeless youth and their needs.
The New Haven Homeless Count 2003 is a study carried out by the New
Haven Continuum to find the number of homeless people during the week
of February 17th through 24th 2003. It found that there were 1305
persons who were characterised as homeless during the week
Table 2 shows a breakdown of the subpopulations.
Unaccompanied youth aged 16 to 24 totalled 119 or 9% the total. The
study also points out that the number of youth homeless tends to rise
in the summer. In addition the youth homeless tend to remain ?hidden?
? not seeking assistance and homeless services.
Table 3. shows a breakdown by age.
Table 10. shows the needs for assistance. The types of assistance
covered include income, insurance, basic needs, mental health,
substance abuse, medical, vocational, legal and family/child services.
According to the study New Haven has relatively few youth-oriented
homeless services compared to other cities of a similar size.
The full report can be read at:
Poverty level
According to a report (published 2003) A Profile of Connecticut?s
Youth from Connecticut Voices For Children, Youth poverty rate in New
Haven is 30%.
Over 50% of New Haven youth live in single parent families.
This report also contains additional information about Connecticut?s
youth including reading levels, college attendance, employment in the
military, fitness, smoking, alcohol used, marijuana use, carrying of
weapons, suicide attempts, teen birth rate, preventable teen deaths
and juvenile violent crime arrest rate.
According to the 2000 Census, child poverty rate in New Haven is 32.2%.
According to the Economic Policy Institute, 11% of children in
Connecticut were living below the poverty level in 2002. For a more
accurate picture, experts say that child poverty rates should be
averaged over 2 or 3 years. The two year average for 2001-2002 is
10.2%, a slight increase on the 1999-2000 level of 10%.
2000 Poverty census tract.
Child poverty rate 1998.
A report by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) in Washington
confirms that Connecticut ranks 44th among all states for
participation in the School Breakfast Program. Just one third of the
state?s children who qualify for free or low price lunches receive a
school breakfast. Although 1,100 of the state?s school participate in
the National School Lunch Program, fewer than 50% also offer school
breakfast. In Connecticut only 26% of students who receive School
Lunch are also reached by The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).
In Connecticut only 3 out of 5 persons eligible for food stamps receive them.
In addition participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition for Women,
Infants and Children Program dropped 21% during the last 10 years, In
contrast the national average rose by 30% during the same period
In New Haven 67% of students are eligible for the school lunch program
(CT voices for children).
Unemployment level
Connecticut Department of Labour supplies unemployment statistics. It
provides recent data by town, state and national and also historical
data (1994-2004).
New Haven unemployment, March 2004.
Economagic.com gives figures for the unemployment level in New Haven
from 1990 to 2004.
High school drop out rate.
A report from Connecticut Voices for Children: New Haven Children &
Youth 1999 Update contains high school drop out rate data. According
to the State Department of Education, the cumulative high school
dropout rate (class of 1998) was 29.7% in New Haven.
In Connecticut?s poorest cities, the juvenile violent crime arrests
per 100,000 youth ages 10-17 were 608, compared to 319 statewide.
State of Connecticut Social Indicator Data ? New Haven
A variety of statistics are shown here for the years 1992-1998
including crime rates, drug abuse violations (juvenile), liquor law
violations (juvenile), teen birth, low birth weight rates,
abuse/neglect referrals, sexual abuse referrals, unemployment, school
performance, percentage of students receiving free/reduced school
meals and more.
Connecticut?s rate of child maltreatment is nationally the 6th highest
at 21.4 victims per 1,000 children
Exploitation of homeless youth
Despite an extensive search I could not find figures for Connecticut
but I did find national figures which give the percentage of homeless
youth facing exploitation.
According to the Chicago Coalition For The Homeless, 162,000 homeless
youth are estimated to be victims of commercial sexual exploitation in
the U.S. 30% of shelter youth and 70% of street youth are victims of
sexual commercial exploitation. 12-14 is the average age of entry into
prostitution for girls and 11-13 for boys.
<Additional links:>
<Connecticut Voices for Children has a number of publications that may
be of interest.>
<Search strategy:>
<"new haven" homeless estimated>
<"new haven" "unemployment level">
<"in new haven" "high school drop">
<"new haven" juvenile crime rate>
<ct voices for children 67%>
<Hope this helps.> |