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What do Islamic extremism want?
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: jackho-ga List Price: $5.00 |
07 May 2004 23:09 PDT
Expires: 06 Jun 2004 23:09 PDT Question ID: 343062 |
What is Islamism all about? Why there are so many Islamic fanantics who are so bloody and violent? What are they fighting for? What is their ultimate purpose for all these fight? Most importantly, what are their cultural, political and historical backgrounds? And do you think extremism and fundamentalism are also growing graduatly and stealthily among Christians and Catholic? |
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Re: What do Islamic extremism want?
Answered By: kapilr-ga on 07 May 2004 23:35 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Dear Jackho, The answer to your question is: All religions tend to preach about realizing God and to lead a good life. One does not find anyone who can say that they have realized God. The main reason for the growing fundamentalism in Islam, and other religions is that there is hardly anyone around who has realized God and can direct people to the right path. Advertising and promotion that you see these days is only by those who want your money. You hardly see any advertisements in things like "speak truth", "care for others", etc. The promotion of following a particular religion is also done by those who want something from you. Religion is being used by various propagators for their own selfish persuits such as gathering money, low-intesity war (terrorism), building property, low-cost labor, etc. The aspirants and followers of religion too also do not strive hard to realize truth and just blindly follow what they hear. Those who are into terrorism believe that they are doing something "holy", which will take them closer to God. In order to find answer to your question, I went through many similar questions answered by learned saint Swami Ramswarup at http://www.vedmandir.com/questions.php. He has given wisdom on many religions and common problems: Some of the answers that link to your question include: Irfan: Swami ji i want to know if all the gods are same then why we fight over religion, and say that Islam or Hinduism is good. Even though Islam is the only religion which back terrorism, but we still stay islam is the best WHY? Swami Ramswarup: It is not correct to say all the Gods because God is one for this universe. Fight occurs due to fundamentalism and wrong definition of Almighty God. I have already told that teaching of Islam is Good. Zahid Khan: Swami ji, hi my name is zahid khan & i m student of law, i have some questions 1. Would u like to define "terrorism"? Swami Ramswarup: I think terrorism is due to fundamentalism at all level. Every religion say that God is one and we are children of God but very few spread brotherhood. The preach of our forefathers (Prophets of all religions) regarding humanity, mercy and to live and let live etc., due to fundamentalism are not properly being adhered to because I have studied all the religious and holy books mostly of all religions wherein I have found no such type of terrorism which is happening in the world. Religons do not spread terrorism. We are all brother and sister being human first and must live and respect each other. We must die while promoting brotherhood and serving human being but we must never take life of anybody else at any cost. This is I think fair religion. Now a days the terrorism must be solved politically by the world's leaders with full faith. soniachoudhary: tterrorism is not islamic !its jehad !of which allah give muslims permission to perform when the enemies of islam arises to finish islam !why should u call it terrorism? Swami Ramswarup: Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christanity, and all religions also teach about mercy and love each other. I have also studied Holy Kuran where it is mentioned if someone attack on Mosque baselessly then use Holy word Jehad. So now a days I personally feel that every should go through Holy Kuran and must use the Holy word Jehad properly as adviced in Holy Kuran. Yet forgiveness and mercy is also a supreme preach of Holy Kuran. I have already said in so many answers that if anybody does murder, theft etc., so he must be pin-pointed and punished, everybody can not be treated as terrorist. We all are human beings and must love each other first. Dignity, kingdom, property, proud, our bodies, etc., one time will be left here only & we will have to answer to the Allah /God as how much services we did for all human being including animal and birds even. This is the time to get rid of ravages of hatred. So everybody is not terrorist. Terrorist may be Hindu, and of any religion also. Islam due to his own good qualities has been adopted by most of the people of the world. So how anybody can tell Islam a terrorism. Even it is a sin to tell like this. Sajid Shah: hi swami ram!i,m asking y indian media spreading dis information against muslims?all indian media and film industry spreading hindu believes to inspire others..and show muslim the terrorissts..exp in a film they show a police man coming out from mosque and then take money from smuglers.. if u watch films of 80,s in that age muslims were shown pollide and trustworthy...y this change come?because hindu ism come in extreem maner..they want no 1 should inspire from islam ..they now hate islam and mulims..if hindu extreemists kill innocent people they dont call them terrorist and when muslim walk on their actual religion they r terrorists..i don't wanna protect those muslim groups..who r voilating islam and doing terrorism..i ,m telling u about a common muslim..who life is now very dificult due to islam every 1 consider him terr,,...y it,s so..?y ..u show muslim a cruel nation.. y u don't condemn hindu extreemists..? Swami Ramswarup: Every terrorists is against humanity and their deed is condemned by all learned personnel keeping aside the religion. It is philosophy of holy Kuran, Vedas, Gita and all holy books and we accept it respectfully. When one man do murder or theft or bad deeds then he must be pin pointed and he only must be punished. If some few people do this bad deed, they must be punished but now a days most of the people are not afraid of God and starts militancy for the innocent people also. We must love humanity and promote international brotherhoods. some people are having lack of thinking towards the truth mostly perhaps due to fundamentlism. This is going on at world level which should be stopped. All religions must be given respect. Because they teach us about one God and therefore, we all become brother and sister keeping aside the religions. Religion may be so many but humanity is only one and also there is only one God who nurses us all on only one earth with only one sun air moon water etc. However, every hindu/muslim cannot be blamed and even religions can never be blamed. Elisa: Why exists so much hate and wars? God is one and love all his creatures - why people are not able simply to love? Why exists so many religions? i have asked my rabbi but he has no answers - and tell when peace will come to my country - Israel? and finally can a jew be a hindu? Swami Ramswarup: Hate and war is due to lack of knowledge of true spiritualism where both are condemned. That is why the facts are not understood that God is love and love is God and we have to love God's creature. We must increase the knowledge of true spiritualism. May be reason of selfishness and suitability for so many religions. For peace in your country I too pray to Almightgy God because peace must be in whole of the universe. Everywhere fundamentalism is teasing the humanity and in this process I do not think that Jew can be a Hindu. We must always promote international brotherhood. Zubbin Arora: WHY CAN'Y HINDUS &MUSLIMS LIVE IN PEACE? Swami Ramswarup:The problem is only due to fundamentalism otherwise preach in the religions are to co-operate to live together and to promote brotherhood. Hope that helps! | |
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Re: What do Islamic extremism want?
From: pugwashjw-ga on 08 May 2004 01:50 PDT |
For Kapilr. Relating to the second paragraph of your answer about money grubbing advertising. Yes it does go on, but there is a group of people worldwide, who do not seek monetary gain but do seek the Truth. Yes, they use the Bible which they regard as the word of God. And in that Bible, at Isaiah 44;6, God said, through Isaiah, "I am the first and I am the last, and besides me there is no God. Is the God of the Christians the same deity as Allah of the Muslims. Only personal study by each individual person can answer that one. Although being totally powerful, having created us and the stars, The God of the Bible sent Jesus to preach love and forgiveness, and those doing what Jesus taught have been promised everlasting life ON A PEACEFUL EARTH. Only 144,000 have a prospect of entering Heaven [Revelation 14;1-5]. The followers of Allah seem to need to carry out war against any who not follow him. Jihad. And any who die in this endeavour are promised entry to Paradise. With many bonuses. Few Muslim women seem to be involved in Jihad, so what is the benefit, if any, for other Muslim women who die?. Seems the first option is the better. Have we been sidetracked. The Bible says yes. Revelation 12; 7-9 and 12. "And war broke out in heaven, Michael [ Jesus] and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled. [8]but it did not prevail, neither was a place found for them in heaven. [9] So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent [in the garden of Eden] the one called Devil and Satan, who is mis-leading the entire inhabited earth ; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. And [12] On this account be glad you heavens and you who reside in them. Woe!, for the earth and for the sea [ governments and people][nothing can harm the literal earth and sea] because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time". This scripture explains all the violence we see in the world today. But there is an end to it coming[ Psalm 37;28,29] |
Re: What do Islamic extremism want?
From: kapilr-ga on 08 May 2004 04:18 PDT |
Dear Pugwashjw, Thank you so much for your comments. Your clarification is very much in line. According to what I understand, God is only realized while being alive, and those who want to realize God can only do so when they are alive. Who knows what happens after we die. :) |
Re: What do Islamic extremism want?
From: buddha28-ga on 08 May 2004 04:35 PDT |
Hi, First of all its very important to understand the reason for terrorism. Terrorism had been there before the Middle east people got involved in such acts. There were terrorsit acts in Britian by IRA in India by LTTE,etc. You will find terrorist acts pervasive and not confined to one particular community. The attack by the middleeast residents have gained prominence and media glare is due to the magnitude of the violent acts. Terrorism is mostly a regional factor than a religon factor. Observe acts of terrorism closely and you will find that its due to the regional instability and oppression that such acts materialze. Islamic teachings have been misquoted widely. In Islam there is no place for terrorism. In fact Jehad (which has been misunderstood by many) too has two dimension, the first jehad which is Akbari jehad is supposed to be waged against your own (morally)weak self and should aim to gain mastery over your willpower. The second type of Jehad which usually half knowledegebale people quote is that you should uprise only when there is danger to your religion. The violent acts taking place worlwide by middle east residents (who happen to be muslims) is a geo political factor, created by groups with vested interest. Islam advocates peace and harmony. But then its a general tendency of people to be carried away by popular opinions rather than use their own sense and readings to understand the event. Shazy |
Re: What do Islamic extremism want?
From: mrgreenjeans-ga on 08 May 2004 11:12 PDT |
It all boils down to attention. In order to understand what is going on one should take a look under the surface. A good look would tell one that they are out to distroy Christianity. Why do they want to distroy it? Because Christianity teaches that "it is finished". The Islamics do not want to give up their system of works, for a system of freedom. I wish to ask pugwashjw-ga what was ment by:"Only 144,000 have a prospect of entering Heaven [Revelation 14;1-5]. "? This is a refrence to the 144,000 chosen Jews that are given the job of spreding the gosple. This is not a job that is limited to them. However, it is not saying that they are the only ones gettin into heaven. |
Re: What do Islamic extremism want?
From: trueparent-ga on 08 May 2004 23:45 PDT |
Dear jackho-GA, I believe my Comment will give you a much more profound and useful answer to your question, than has thus far been given. You will find the following Comment at this URL: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=269774 I also highly recommend the profound Comment that came after mine there, by amalik-GA. The still, small voice of God is whispering, to those who care to listen. And the truth shall indeed make us free.... ----EDITED TEXT OF THAT COMMENT FOLLOWS---- Dear (edited name), As any fool can plainly see, I am no scholar, but since I have been blessed to have access to the new revelation that God wants us all to know, I understand "the bottom line" of Mohammed, and Islam, much better than any scholar not aware of this new revelation. If this revelation had been taught as God Willed it, since 1960, then events such as Nine-Eleven would have never occurred. First of all, it is a seemingly strange fact of history, that such great religious leaders as Buddha, Confucius, Zoroastro, and others, came at the same time, approximately 400 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Why? From God's viewpoint, they were all sent to their respective people with the mission to prepare their people for the Advent of the Messiah. But that Advent never came to their people, because Jesus was crucified. The teaching of the Advent of Christ was since "lost", but if one digs deeply into, (for example), Buddhism, one finds the statement, "The Avatar will come". Mohammed is the great exception, coming 600 years AFTER Jesus. Why? God's first Will for Jesus, was that He be accepted, and obeyed, first by the "Chosen People", who had been prepared by God for 2,000 years to receive Him, and then by the rest of the world. It was only because of multiple failures, that Jesus had to go the way of crucifixion, thus making it necessary for Him to say, "I will come again". Also, He did not pray, "Let this cup, (of the crucifixion), pass from me", out of weakness, in Gethsemane, but because He knew it was not God's Complete, Prime Will, that He be crucified. Instead, He was supposed to marry, raising up His bride to the position of Restored Eve, and then He would have served to officiate for the marriages of those following Him, creating the foundation for the return of the Garden of Eden, on Earth, as it was before the Fall of Man. God knew from the time of His birth, that enough failure to accept Jesus would allow only a partial, "spiritual" victory, if Jesus had to go the way of the Cross, but it was obviously not God's First Will, for Jesus. At the age of thirty, when Jesus started His mission, He said, "God's will for you is that you love me". It was only later, when certain failures to follow Him had occurred, that He said, "I must be raised up, (on the Cross)". But I digress. The same God sent Mohammed, Who had sent Abraham, and Jacob, and Moses, and Jesus. Mohammed is the only real exception, to the fact that all those great leaders, (mentioned two paragraphs above), came 400 years before Jesus. Mohammed came 600 years after Jesus. Why did God send Mohammed? It was because the Christian Church, which was one, Catholic Church, and all Christianity, had become completely corrupt. Because of this, God's plan was that all blessings would be "transferred" into the Muslim world, TEMPORARILY, since God must have and maintain the central Christian teaching of the Second Advent to come. Then, the entire Christian mainstream of history would be struck, and purged by God. The "Crusades", whereby Christians lost so much, are an example of this. Later, (it was about 500 years later), God returned the blessings back into the Christian mainstream, and the Muslim world was left as a "remnant" and a warning from God to all Christians, that if they become corrupt enough again, God does have a way to answer that corruption. This is why the Muslim faith is so strict, because it is God's pained answer to Christian corruption, not because the Muslim faith is "purer", or "more holy". Hence, they ask you, if you are a thief, "Which hand did you steal with?", and then they cut off that hand. Hence, the women are more "covered", and subject to execution for adultery. And hence, the ORIGINAL Koran states that, if any Christian tries to "convert" you, KILL THEM. So, Osama Bin Laden is not a "radical", or even an "extremist", but in fact, is reading the ORIGINAL Koran, which makes him an Orthodox Muslim, if you will. If only he understood that the Koran was only TEMPORARY direction, and that the violence that was done to Christians within God's Will was only meant by God to be TEMPORARY, then he would not believe that the past glory of the Muslim world, during that 500 years, could be regained by that sort of violence, and Nine-Eleven would not have happened. The United States may be corrupt in many ways, but it has not even begun to reach the state of complete corruption of the Christian Church at the time of Mohammed, so this Muslim dream, of reclaiming "the good old days", by violence, is truly impossible to realize. Still, if Americans understood the ORIGINAL Koran, and the above explanation, they would not think Osama Bin Laden to be such a "criminal gangster kook", for being so adamant about wanting Christians OUT of Saudi Arabia. Given the fact that we are living at the very time that the Second Advent of Christ walks among us, Americans have the means of containing this violence, through applying the new revelation, called "Divine Principle", that He brings to us. Muslims would also do well, to study and follow the teaching of the "Divine Principle", as well. And so, (name edited), the attitude of the Koran towards Jews is most likely as vitalmed-ga states, but history tells us that Muslims and Jews lived together quite successfully, while all those Christians were being "purged" and killed. This is because the Jews have never been "evangelical" in their demeanor, as are the Christians. The original "purpose", of the Koran, from God's viewpoint, allows for that friendly relationship with the Jews, during those 500 years of the glory of the Muslim world, because the Jews never had any designs to "convert" anyone, to Judaism, as the Christians did, to Christianity. As for the above Comments by pugwashjw-ga and lahoria-ga, I can only hope that they can now understand, that if anyone is to be blamed for the violence that is taught in the ORIGINAL Koran, we must blame the Christians of the 6th Century. Or, we should blame God, because it was God's Will that brought Mohammed, and purged the Christians for hundreds of years. And so, any responsible scholar would of course want to examine and study the "Divine Principle" revelation, which is in fact in the position, historically speaking, of "The Completed Testament", following on and fulfilling the Old Testament and the New Testament. To follow up on this, three URLs I can suggest, are: <http://www.unification.net/dp73/> <http://www.unification.net/teachings.html> <http://familyfed.org/> <http://www.euro-tongil.org/> <http://unification.net/> I would like to add, that I would caution anyone that you should not automatically trust anyone who is a member of this movement, which is in fact centered on the Second Advent of Christ, The Most Reverend Sun Myung Moon. However, you can and should absolutely trust the new revelation that has been revealed, called "Divine Principle", which, technically speaking, consists of every word spoken by Rev. Moon, since 1954, and before. Incidentally, (name edited), you might be interested to know, that there are actually two Messiahs on Earth, now. During the 1980s, Rev. Moon announced that His wife, Hak Jah Han Moon, had paid the extreme indemnity necessary, to become His "equal". As it was in the Garden of Eden, before the Fall of Man, the Third Adam and the Second Eve are restoring the positions of the unfallen Adam and Eve, and ushering in the age of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. And so, God Bless, whether you believe that the name of God cannot/should not be spoken, or you say Yahweh, Allah, or God, Most Sincerely, trueparent-GA |
Re: What do Islamic extremism want?
From: pugwashjw-ga on 09 May 2004 02:40 PDT |
Well, I have read with interest all the comments. Buddha-ga said that Islam preaches peace and harmony and that attacks are carried out by people " who happen to be muslim". If so, they can hardly be genuine Muslims because they are not following the tenets of their faith. For MrGreenjeans, when the apostle John wrote Revelation, under inspiration from God, the 144,000 he spoke about were actually in heaven and the last part of Revelation 14;3, states "who have been BOUGHT from the earth". that is, paid for by Jesus sacrifice, not BROUGHT as meaning transported. I agree that, when these ones were alive on earth, they had been chosen to preach the coming of God`s KINGDOM, [also mentioned at Daniel 2;44]These ones will be resurrected to heaven. Jesus called this group "my little flock" [Luke 12;32], It is imortant to remember that when John wrote Revelation, he was relating a future event when all those 144,000 "chosen ones", not necessarily Jews, had been resurrected to heaven to act as Kings and Priests[Rev.5;10]. Jesus included all people in this number when he took the GOOD NEWS to the Gentiles. But He did not forget other people who listened to his teachings. John 10;16, where Jesus says " And I have other sheep which are not of this fold. those ALSO I must bring and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, [with] one shepherd". |
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