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Q: Explorer - address bar disappeared ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   17 Comments )
Subject: Explorer - address bar disappeared
Category: Computers > Software
Asked by: bbb-ga
List Price: $4.00
Posted: 10 May 2004 10:53 PDT
Expires: 09 Jun 2004 10:53 PDT
Question ID: 344117
The heading tells the problem. Explorer's address bar has disappeared.
I've re-installed, no help.

I've seen this problem mentioned on some forums, but haven't seen any
good answers yet. (A related problem, maybe: I have a great bookmarks
program called PowerMarks, which is supposed to install a toolbar
within IE, if you want. Doesn't work, though it used to.)

I'm putting only a minimum payment on this, since I think (I hope!) it's a
straightforward fix.

(I just had my system overhauled & reinstalled, by a very reputable
local computer service.)
Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 18 May 2004 05:33 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Thank you very much for asking me to post the official answer to your
question. I have reposted my suggestions below.

Here are two possible solutions:

Restore Missing Toolbars, Menubars and Address Bar

IE Addressbar fix

Both the links above were found on this page:

IE 6 Address Bar

If your address bar problem should reappear, I hope this will be
helpful. The first link above, "Restore Missing Toolbars, Menubars and
Address Bar," worked for a friend of mine when he had a similar
problem. That's how I knew about it. I cannot vouch for the
reliability of the second link, "IE Addressbar fix." I have no reason
to suspect that there is anything suspicious about this utility, but
it's usually a good idea to avoid downloading .exe files of unknown

Best regards,
bbb-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $5.00
Thanks for the courteous help, and for looking into the reliability of
the sites recommended.

Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: pinkfreud-ga on 10 May 2004 11:06 PDT
Here are two possible solutions:

Both the links above were found on this page:
Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: auric-ga on 11 May 2004 09:35 PDT

I take it that you have right clicked on the Explorers Title bar and
checked the Address Bar option?

Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: bbb-ga on 11 May 2004 11:11 PDT
Hmmm. Not quite sure what you mean; when I right-click on the title
bar, I get: restore, move size, minimize, maximize, close.

On the other hand, when I right-click on the globe logo (maybe this is
what you meant?), I get toggle check/uncheck choices--starting with
"standard buttons"--that do include "address bar." But it is already
selected (with a check mark showing). I tried unselecting and
re-selecting. No help.
Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: bbb-ga on 11 May 2004 11:13 PDT
Also to Pinkfreud (who may be a rock group?):
Thanks for those links. 

(Still: Any way to tell if they're legitimate and not any kind of hacking deal?)
Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: auric-ga on 12 May 2004 02:08 PDT

Yes you did do what I suggested, sorry it didn't seem to work! However
perhaps the address bar is 'squashed' up on the  right hand side if
the tool bar! Can you uncheck the 'Lock The Toolbars' option that is
on the same right click menu as I mentioned previously. Then can you
see if there is a vertcal 'bar' that appears on the right hand side of
the explorer Toolbar. If you hover your cursor over this bar is should
turn into a double headed arrow. If it does then click on this bar and
drag the mouse over to the left. Maybe this will reveal the Address
Bar if it is hidden.

I'll keep looking to see if i can get some more solutions just in case!


Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: bbb-ga on 12 May 2004 09:48 PDT
To auric-ga -- 
Thanks. Did not help! 
I unlocked the toolbars, and got that double-headed arrow. But I can't drag it. 
This seems like a pretty serious problem.
Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: auric-ga on 13 May 2004 05:24 PDT

I have found something - a registry setting that locks/unlocks the Address Bar.

If you are comfortable in editing the registry then run regedit and
find the following key


The 17th byte controls the address bar. If the value is 0x1D, there is
no address bar.  If the value is 0x1F there is an address bar.

It works for for me but it may be something else preventing yours.

Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: auric-ga on 13 May 2004 05:28 PDT
Actually I think that just does the same as ticking or unticking the
right click menu option! Give it a try but I'm not hopeful - sorry!
Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: bbb-ga on 13 May 2004 09:09 PDT
I have occasionally done REGIT (being talked through it by ground
control, usually). But it turns out that the address bar re-appeared
by itself (I've seen others mention this phenomenon), so I'm going to
do nothing right now.

However, if the problem recurs, you've probably provided the
solution--except you have not indicated: When those values appear, do
you just type in the one you want? (which will be 0x1F). Is there a
register "field" that appears, that is?

So, auric, if you can clarify that, please do and enter it as an
Answer so that I can pay you that magnificent fee.

I'd like to pay pinkfreud something also, since he/she provided 2
solutions that probably work, too.

But there is no way to split a fee here, I think. Google -- are you listening?
Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: auric-ga on 17 May 2004 15:47 PDT

Well when you navigate to the actual field in the register by clicking
all the way down to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet
Explorer\Toolbar\WebBrowser\ItBarLayout and then double click on the
ItBarLayout name you will be presented with an admitidly confusing
dialog box (it's a shame you can't post graphics on here!). You will
have one column of four digits - ignore those. Then you have 8 columns
of two digit numbers and lastly a column at the right hand side which
you can also ignore.

So just concentrating on the middle set of eight columns, count 17 two
digit numbers. You should be at the first two digit number of the
third line of numbers. This is the one you need to change. You just
type over the two digits. If it's 1D then either just type over the D
with an F or type the full 1D over the 1F. Then click ok on the dialog
box to close and save the value.

Sorry if that is a bit confusing but it may become clearer if you
tried it out (although I can undertsand if you don't want to at the

As for the money, I'm just glad to be of assistance and if it means
you can only pay one answer then I don't mind missing out! Sorry it
took a long time to answer as well, I was in Belgium at the weekend!

Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: bbb-ga on 17 May 2004 17:15 PDT
Well, Stuart, thanks a lot! I think you've taken this about as far as
it can go -- and thanks for that heroic description of the input

Also, I clearly have to make the payment to you, since you put so much
effort. (And did so, Belgium or no Belgium; anyway, this
"payment"--even with "tip"--won't be enough to pay for a Belgian

If the problem recurs, I assume I'd take your suggestions; so they're
helpful to have. Many thanks for all this help!
Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: bbb-ga on 17 May 2004 17:20 PDT
auric -- p.s.
You have to officially submit an "answer" (i.e., not just a comment)
before I can pay go ahead and do so.
Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: pinkfreud-ga on 17 May 2004 17:23 PDT

Auric is not a Google Answers Researcher, so he can't submit an
official answer nor receive payment. One of the nice things about
Google Answers is that sometimes a helpful person will give you a

Best regards,
pinkfreud, Google Answers Researcher
Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: auric-ga on 17 May 2004 18:27 PDT
Ah that would explain why I couldn't add an answer, just a comment! 
But it doesn't matter - my trip to Belgium was a very humbling
experience and one that made me realise we should all help each other
in whatever circumstances. I met a 106 year old veteren of the First
World War who I met while in Ypes at the Menine gate whilst the Last
Post was sounded (as it has been sounded every day since 1928). He
read out the "They Shall Not Grow Old" poem - nothing to do with
computers I know but something that will stay with me for a very long

Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: bbb-ga on 18 May 2004 04:44 PDT
OK, then, pinkfreud, thanks for the clarification and--do submit an
official answer and I'll give you the payment and tip. And thanks to
both, again.
Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: pinkfreud-ga on 18 May 2004 07:54 PDT
Thank you very much for the five stars and the generous tip!

Subject: Re: Explorer - address bar disappeared
From: bbb-ga on 18 May 2004 08:50 PDT
You're welcome!

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