Hello mat1898-ga,
The name Telliga -- as you spelled it, with two L's -- appears very
infrequently as a surname, and is almost certainly a variant spelling
of more common surnames such as Teliga or Taliga.
For instance, a Google search on [ Telliga ] returns only 59 results:
whereas a similar search on [ Teliga ] produces 1,890 results:
and a search on [ Taliga ] produces over 4,000 hits:
Similar searches of genealogical databases produce similar results --
Telliga is very rare, or even non-existent. A national phone book
search on the name at Superpages:
turned up only four listings for the entire U.S.
However, close variants to the name are much more common.
Most of the variant spellings of this name are largely Eastern
European in origin, with roots in Hungary, as well as Russia, Germany,
Austria and elsewhere in Eastern Europe.
For instance, a search of the immigration database at Ellis Island at:
for the name Telliga produces the following message:
"No records in the archive match the name Telliga"
However, the database also offers information on variant spellings and
similar-sounding names that include the following:
Name of Passenger / Residence / Arrived / Age on Arrival
[ Teliga ]
Ferrink Teliga Miskolcz 1900 42
Istvan Teliga Illadia 1907 22
Martin Teliga F. Lehotka, Hungary 1907 19
Pawel Teliga Kobylane, Russia 1913 42
Stanislaw Teliga Rislin, Russia 1912 28
Wladislau Teliga Hekow 1898 28
Wojeiech Teliga Zuzawicka, Austria 1912 35
[ Taliga ]
Andras Taliga Boldva, Hungary 1908 43
Anna Taliga Haborka, Hungary 1912 30
Carl Taliga Krasno... 1902 39
Eszter Taliga Budapest, Hungary 1907 28
Janos Taliga Telsohamor, Hungary 1909 42
Janos Taliga Sajckaza 1907 26
Meikaly Taliga Alsodios, Hungary 1909 33
Mihaly Taliga Alsodios 1905 29
Mihaly Taliga Nyirvasvari 1903 20
Szuszanna Taliga Kurityan, Hungary 1909 25
Zsuzsa Taliga Kurityan, Hungary 1909 2
Anna Telica Ranjstl 1900 23
[ Telica ]
Osti Telica Scurelle. Tisolo, Austria 1912 20
Wazyl Telica Pochudzie, Russia 1913 30
[Tellega ]
Elisabeth Tellega Lubeck 1894 2
Johanne Tellega Lubeck 1894 37
Lorens Tellega Lubeck 1894 37
Mary Tellega Lubeck 1894 5
Sophia Tellega Lubeck 1894 7
[ Telaga ]
Georg Telaga Bucharest, Roumania 1921 26
Iwan Telaga Wola, Galicia (Aust.) 1909 40
Jan Telaga Wola Mazortiela, Austria 1912 17
Janos Telaga Czeko 1901 32
Marcin Telaga Iztebki 1902 38
Oleksa Telaga Wala Maz., Galicia 1913 31
Paranka Telaga Troscionice 1912 16
Pawlo Telaga US 1908 34
Stanislaw Telaga Iztebki 1902 26
[ Tallaga ]
Sofia Tallaga Hungary, Pothorn 1909 34
As you can see, the names all originate from, roughly-speaking, the
same part of the world, and suggest very strongly that the rarely-used
surname [ Telliga ] has similar origins and is, in fact, a variant
spelling of one of these more common surnames.
So, the name Telliga may have originated from a number of countries in
this part of the world, but seems most closely linked to Hungary,
Germany and Austria.
Before rating this answer, please let me know if anything here is not
clear, or if you need any additional information. Just post a Request
for Clarification, and I'll be happy to assist you further.
pafalafa-ga |