There are a few possibilities for obtaining "Technique et
Contemplation". You should be able to buy it from one of the following
dealers, or order a photocopy of "Contemplation et ascese:
contribution orthodoxe" from the British Library in London. There
appears to be a 1948 edition published in Paris, as well as the 1949
one from Bruges. I found both in academic library catalogues as well
as in bookdealers' descriptions.
Bloom, Andre et al
Desclee de Brouwer, Bruges Belgium, 1949. paperback, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
(14.5 cm. x 22 cm.), 145pp. VG fine clean tight copy.
Price: US$ 20.00
Bookseller: Cartesian Bookstore, 2445 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A., 94704
ÉTUDES. - Technique et contemplation. Études Carmélitaines, Paris,
Desclée De Brouwer, 1948. 23 cm 147 p. paper EUR 7.50(= appr. US$9.15)
Tweedehands Boekhuis - Antiquariaat Vanhove
Muntstraat 16, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
Tel & Fax + 32 16 23 76 14
Technique et contemplation.
S. l, Desclée de Brouwer, 1949. In-8, 145 pp., broché, "Etudes carmélitaines".
Price: US$ 9.16 plus shipping
Bookseller: A. & E. Morel de Westgaver, Rue Saint-Jean 41, Bruxelles,
Belgium, B-105
[Etudes carmélitaines ]
Technique et contemplation.
Desclée de Brouwer, 1949, In8, Br, 145pp.
Price: US$ 27.90
Bookseller: Librairie Revel, 8 rue Juiverie, Lyon, Fr, France, 69005
Theologie: Theologie -: Technique et contemplation. : Brouwer 1949.
OKart. 8°, 145 S., <Bestellnr. Th 11451>
(= Etudes Carmelitaines) - Ecken und Kanten berieben, Rücken mit
Einriß, angestaubtes Exemplar.
[SW: Christliche Literatur, Besinnliche Literatur]
Vendor: Antiquariat Gallus [A-6020 Innsbruck]
Price: EUR EUR 12.00
Shipping (surface): EUR 4.00
Total: EUR 16.00
You can order a photocopy of an article in "Technique et
contemplation" from the British Library in London.
Their catalogue has this entry:
Title: [Avon-Fontainebleau, 1948.] Technique et contemplation.
(Trouble et lumière. Travaux du cinquième Congrès.) [Edited by Bruno
de Jésus-Marie. With plates.]
Additional headings: BRUNO, de Jésus-Marie, O.C.D.
Additional headings: TECHNIQUE
Series: [E?tudes carmélitaines. année 28.]
Publication details: 2 pt. Bruges, 1949. 8o.
Shelfmark: P.P.38.i.
When I searched the catalogue for "document supply" material, I found
the "E?tudes carmélitaines" listed.
After finding this you then need to use the "order" and "help" buttons
on the left hand side of the page to submit your request for a
British Library Catalogue
I found three other libraries which have catalogue entries for
"Technique et Contemplation". There were no obvious ways of ordering a
photocopy, but I would be very happy to explore these possibilities
further if there are any unanticipated problems with my other
suggestions. Please just make a request for clarification.
I hope you will soon be reading "Contemplation et ascese: contribution orthodoxe".
Best wishes - Leli
Search strategy:
Searches on a number of used book sites, and in various university catalogues.
Through Google I also found a webpage confirming the connection
between André Bloom and "Contemplation et ascese".
"Bloom André. Contemplation et ascese: contribution Orthodoxe." |