This should be answered by someone with experience in role playing games
I am just beginning to develop a new campaign world based on the
Dungeons & Dragons (D20) 3.5 rules. The world will be very much like
other standard DnD worlds accept it will have a strong ancient
Greece/ancient Rome feel to it. (There will be no Roman Republic or
Empire nor any Greek city states ? however there will be nations &
city states with very similar attributes).
I expect to leverage various historical and mythological references as
well as extensive material from role playing resources such as role
playing adventures, modules, and campaign settings. Note I do not
care if the material is for DnD (whatever the flavor) or some other
game as long as it is reasonably applicable to the genre I am trying
to create. With this in mind materials from games such as GURPS are
applicable (Similar genre), where materials from games such as Modern
D20, ShadowRun, or ArsMagica probably aren?t. Currently I am using
the Gurps books, Imperial Rome and Greece; TSR?s Glory of Rome:
Campaign Sourcebook and Age of Heroes as well as Testament from Green
Ronin, and OGL Ancients from Mongoose.
Lastly, the last 4 years my group has played one dungeon crawl after
another. Separate from the above I am particularly interested in
adventures focusing on wilderness or perhaps cities (Wilderness being
greatly preferred). The idea is to take these adventures, put a
Greece/Roman spin on them and then integrate them into my campaign
1. Provide the names of 5 very popular adventures that can be used
with Dungeons Dragons and that have a wilderness focus. A small
dungeon crawl can be part of the adventure, but it should not be the
primary focus of the adventure. The adventures do not have to be
written for D20 or even Dungeons & Dragons as long as they are similar
in genre. In addition the adventure module can come from any vendor
(Such as Necromancer Games, Mongoose, Atlas Games, etc). I am looking
for adventures that are not too linear, and are known to have a good
plot line so please include your rational for the adventures you
select. NOTE ? The adventures do not have to still be in production ?
EBAY is a wonderful thing ?
2. Provide the names of 2 reputable and complete adventures
(adventures only - not campaigns or worlds) that are designed for use
with a Greece-like or Roman-like worlds. Public domain adventures are
okay ? but they need to be good. Please do not include anything from
Hollow World as I already have ordered that material.
Note if you find any general information that you think would be
useful in building a mythical world based on ancient Greece in the
Heroic age, I would appreciate the link!
Ronnie Sanford |