Hi Mike,
Seeking evaluations on products before you purchase them is an
excellent idea that usually saves you a lot of money and grief in the
long run. Since you did not specify any particular products you
wanted evaluations for, I will point you in the direction of a variety
of sites that do IT product evaluations and reviews.
Ovum Knowledge Management may be just what you are looking for. Their
detailed evaluations of the top portal vendors are based on Ovum's
well-established portal mix model.
( http://www.ovum.com/go/product/flyer/POR.htm#P26_1082 ). This is a
subscription service that will help you to understand portal software
and help you make the correct buying decision.
Here is a site that does Commercial Product Evaluations in two phases:
Commercial Product Evaluations
The first phase is The Trust Technology Assessment Program (TTAP) is
a joint National Security Agency (NSA) and National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) effort to establish commercial
facilities to perform trusted product evaluations.
The second phase is The Rating Maintenance Phase (RAMP) was
established to provide a mechanism to extend the previous rating to a
new version of a previously evaluated computer system product.
The following page contains a large table of historical evaluations of
products the above site has made:
Historical EPL
The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) does product evaluations
for the visually impaired. Summaries of their evaluations are free
upon request and appear in the Journal of Visual Impairment and
Blindness (JVIB).
All product evaluations are published in AccessWorld, AFB's
technology periodical... A 1-year subscription to AccessWorld in your
choice of cassette, ASCII disk, braille, or large print, costs
AFB Product Evaluations
Two Rivers is a husband & wife design team that does website design
Please contact contact@tworivers.com for pricing information.
They do a Usability Study and a Heuristic evaluation.
Two Rivers Evaluations
And finally, here is a site that has links to magazine and journal
evaluations on everything from A to Z. These magazines and journals
are for purchase.
Product evaluations magazines and journal links
I hope this helps you find the evaluations youre seeking. If you
need further assistance, please request a clarificaton and I will try
to help.
Google keywords used for search:
portal +"product evaluations"
IT +"product evaluations"
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF8&q=IT+%2B%22product+evaluations%22&btnG=Google+Search |