I am having a lot of floc carryover, clogging my filters and creating
loss of head. I have a short detention time in a package type unit
(30 minutes DT). I get worse loss of head in times of algal blooms
(we receive our source water from a 3,000,000 gallon lagoon). I use
liquid copper sulfate (algaecide) to combat the algae. I use a
cationic polymer injected before the flash mix, fed at 0.5 - 1.0 mg/l
to add weight to my floc, and I use a anionic polymer, fed at the
flocculator paddles to aid flocculation. I've dabbled in nonionic
polymers, but that only makes the loss of head worse. I run jar tests
to determine the optimal feed rate for aluminum sulfate, & the
polymers. My sedimentation basin incorporates a "honeycomb" type tube
settler system. The flow is 256 gpm or .370 MGD through my plant.
Raw water turbidity is in the 4-10 NTU range. We use a bit of
pre-chlorination, and more chlorination at the sed. basin. My
effluent turbidity runs in the .060 - .120 NTU range.
My question: How can I get less floc carryover, thus creating less loss of head? |