Hi raspyni,
The bad news: msconfig was not included in Windows 2000. The good
news: you can download and add it to Windows 2000.
Tip #475: Use MSConfig from WinXP in Win2K:
"A question that comes up frequently on the Forum is "Why can't I find
MSConfig in Windows 2000?" The answer, of course, is that it's not
there. That utility was not made a part of Windows NT or 2000.
However, Microsoft has included it in Windows XP, so beginning with
that OS, you will find it available to you again. The good news for
Windows 2000 users, however, is that the utility can be "borrowed"
from Windows XP and used on Windows 2000 machines."
Download msconfig from WinXP:
Perfect Drivers:
"Download msconfig here: <msconfig> (For Windows 2000. Newer XP version.)
Some msconfig facts:
-msconfig was not included in NT nor Windows 2000.
-You can add msconfig to Windows 2000. Put it in the
c:\winnt\system32\ (c:\winnt\ works also) folder.
* This assumes that c: drive is where Windows 2000 was installed to.
* The default folder that Windows 2000 installs to is winnt. If the
defaults were changed, yours might be different.
To run msconfig, hit start, run, and type in msconfig. Notice the
startup tab. Here you can turn off and on those pesky resource hogging
applications that run when you boot up your computer.
Note: msconfig doesn't have to be put into any folder to run. It can
be run from a floppy or put on the desktop and clicked on. Putting it
in the correct folder permits you to hit Start > Run to launch it."
Another option - try this little utility -
Startup Control Panel download:
Additional Link of Interest:
Windows2000 Tips:
I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please post a
clarification request before closing/rating my answer and I'll be
happy to reply.
Thank you,
Google Search Terms Used: windows 2000 "msconfig" |