A thousand thanks to you for noticing my millennial answerage!
I hate to take your money without giving you something in return, so
here's a bit of light verse (I say it's light verse, even though I
don't have the dimmest notion what wattage the light is.)
This is a mnemonic ditty whose purpose is to make it easier to
remember the Greek alphabet. I wrote this in the early 1980s to amuse
the late Isaac Asimov, with whom I had a long and delightful
ALPHA loaf is BETA than none (azimuth beats nadir;)
GAMMA DELTA big suprise to Gamps, that gasconader
Who StEPSILONg with walking-stick, a proud soap-box cruZETAr.
Gampaw ETA slice of ham (improper for the Seder!)
THETA Bara vamped; Gamps said "IOTA go upbraid her!"
Gampaw's KAPP,A yarmulke, fell off as "giggle-water"
Led him to Miss Bara's arms, a Paschal LAMBDA slaughter.
Pussycat let out a "MU" (such antics overwrought her--)
Then Miss Bara, semi-NUde, danced like Herodias' daughter!
Gampaw said "Oh, woe is XI; in youth, I could've caught her--
OMICRONic back!" he moaned: "If I still were spry--"
Grandmama shut up his face with a piece of PI.
"You've got your own RHO to hoe," hissed Grandma on the sly:
"I will SIGMA bawdiest song, just TAU catch your eye!"
Gam and Gamps stayed UPSILONg that dawn appeared. "Oh, PHI,"
Gampaw said, in dudgeon, as the sun rose in the sCHI.
Grandmama just heaved a PSI and wiped away a tear;
OMEGA wish we'll have so fine a Passover next year!
L'oeuf & quiches from
your friend
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