Thanks for your message, Michael.
Per Enflo's birth year is 1944, according to the Swedish university
libraries union catalogue.
This is part of the entry for his PhD dissertation from the University
of Stockholm:
Enflo, Per, 1944-
Investigations on Hilbert's fifth problem for non locally compact groups.
Stockholm, 1970 ; (Stockholm : Kungl. boktr.)
dissertation note: Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Univ.
LIBRIS Database - Union Catalogue of Swedish libraries
(To reach the right entry, you have to enter Per Enflo, not P. Enflo,
nor Per H. Enflo.)
The LIBRIS catalogue seems like a reliable source, but there is also
some slight confirmation available:
I'm glad you've got your information at last. The catalogue wasn't
working when I first looked for this! Let me know if you have any
problems with it.
Best Wishes - Leli
PS I notice there is contact information available for this writer,
who seems to know Jeffrey Hamilton: |