Hi Charlesa!
Below you will find the results of my research regarding mobile phone
use by children.
25% of 7 to 10-year-olds own mobile phones. (2004)
?A quarter of seven- to 10-year-olds own mobile phones, according to a
survey published yesterday quarter of 7 to 10-year-olds own mobile
phones, according to a survey of 2,000 children and their parents by
the market analysts Mintel. The figures show that the proportion of
primary school pupils with mobiles has almost doubled from 13% in
Telegraph, 28 April 2004
400,000 children aged between five and nine have a mobile phone. (2003)
?Today, one in nine (400,000) children aged between five and nine has
a mobile phone. In 2000, the number was less than 80,000.?
?Half a million kids in the UK under the age of ten will have a
mobile phone by the end of next year, according to research published
by market intelligence outfit MobileYouth.?
The Register: August 2003
MediaPost Communications: August 2003
- 50% of seven to sixteen year-olds own a mobile phone.
Children and the Market Place
?Nearly 50% of all children in the UK aged between 7 and 16 now own
mobile phones, a report has revealed. The survey, carried out by the
NOP Research Group, reveals that 52% of girls and 44% of boys have
their own mobile. 14 to 16-year-olds have the highest proportion, with
at least 77% owning.?
?According to the Young People and ICT Survey carried out in England
for the Department for Education and Skills in September and October
2002, 41 per cent of girls and 30 per cent of boys aged 5 to 18, and
in full-time education, owned a mobile phone. Again, ownership
increased with age: 12 per cent of children aged 7 to 11 (Key Stage 2)
owned a mobile phone compared with 52 per cent aged 11 to 14 (Key
Stage 3) and nearly 70 per cent of children aged 14 to 18 (Key Stage 4
and Post-16).?
National Statistics
?25% of UK Primary School kids have mobiles?
Nearly 33% of kids have their own mobile phone. (2004)
April 21, 2004
?Nearly one-third of kids in the United States have their own mobile
phones, while 48 percent of European kids said they own mobile phones,
according to a new study by TNS, reported by RCR Wireless News.?
45 percent of kids ages 12-19 own cell phones. (2003)
?According to Teen Research Unlimited, an Illinois-based analyst firm,
45 percent of kids ages 12-19 own cell phones. That number is up by 20
percent from 2000.?
FREE PRESS: August 29, 2003
36 million Americans ages 5-24 years who will own mobile phones by 2004.
?The MobileYouth 2002 report predicts that 36 million Americans, ages
5-24 years will own mobile phones by 2004.?
Mobile Phone Trends
American "Tweens" are Going Global!
?Ownership of cell phones increases with age, from 4% of 10 year olds,
jumping to 34% of 13 year olds. Over a third of all tweens say they
use a cell phone more than once a day.?
?As already established in the mobileYouth 2002 report the youth
Market in North America is ready to explode, particularly in prepay
and SMS usage - the latter of which will surge 1070% from 2002 to
2004, with 1.1 billion messages being sent monthly across the US
networks by the 5-24 year old demographic. Furthermore, there will be
predicted 36 million mobile phone owners aged 5-24 years in the US by
?Forty-seven percent of students ages 12 to 19 carry cell phones. That
compares with only 16 percent owning phones five years ago, says
Teenage Research Unlimited, a marketing research firm.?
Closer Look: Teens and cell phones at school
Friday, March 19, 2004
By AMY MCFALL PRINCE, Columbian staff writer
From a Seattle Times article dated May 4, 2004:
?Four years ago, an estimated 5 percent of teenagers owned cellphones.
Last year, that figure jumped to about one-third of teens and preteens
ages 11 to 17, and researchers expect the number to reach nearly half
by 2007, according to Yankee Group. The Boston-based research firm
estimates that by the end of this year, youths ages 11 to 24 will
generate $21 billion in revenue for wireless carriers ? nearly a
quarter of the total cellular market.?
Seattle Times http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/living/2001917288_teenphones02.html
48%-50% of European kids own mobile phones.
?48 percent of European kids said they own mobile phones, according to
a new study by TNS. The findings are part of the TNS Online Kids
Report, which surveyed more than 20,000 kids ages 6 through 14 from
France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the
United States.
RCR Wireless News: April 2004
?However, while half of the kids surveyed by TNS in Europe and the
U.S. combined claim to have their own mobile phone, only 29 percent of
U.S. kids reported having one versus 48 percent in Europe.
Business Wire: April 19, 2004
Report: Mobile entertainment State-of-the-Art
Page 48 - ?73% of children (aged 10-17) surveyed by Accenture used
mobile phones, but whilst the majority thought that gaming was one of
the key functions of the phone, 91% described current games as ?poor?
or ?average? (Accenture 2002)
Mobile Entertainment: Challenges and Possibilities
Consumer Demographics
- 25% of Japanese children have mobile phones. (2003)
?The spread and high use rates of mobile phones among children have
been a very observable phenomenon, particularly amongst certain
European countries and Japan. Research shows that one in four Japanese
children have mobile phones (even one in three junior high school
girls), and in the UK recent research shows 52% of all seven to
sixteen year-olds own a mobile phone, and 24% of young mobile users
being on their third handset. Scandinavian countries are noted for
their high mobile phone per capita ratios, and a recent survey from
Sweden found that mobile penetration had reached 75% of the
population. The take up of mobile phones among children and young
people has been noticeably slower in the USA, although here too it is
now beginning to become a popular accessory.?
Internet Association, Japan Conference
USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan,
China, Ireland, France and Spain
- 103 million mobile phone users aged 5-24 years in 2002.
- An estimated 152 million mobile phone users aged 5-24 years in 2004
From the Executive Summary (page 10) of the mobileYouth 2002 report
produced by the wireless world forum
?The focus of this report is the 5-24 year old demographic in the
following countries ? USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Germany, Italy,
Japan, China, Ireland, France and Spain. Although each
market has particular characteristics, patterns of mobile phone
ownership, adoption and its associated culture are similar across many
of these countries. In this report we aim to analyse and extrapolate
the research, analysis and data to provide a clear picture of this
mobile youth generation.?
?There are currently 103 million mobile phone users age 5 to 24 in (as
of Jan 2002) in our focus markets. We predict this number will rise
47% within 2 years to 152 million. This demographic are the
heavyweight texters of the world, sending 3 billion text messages
between them (as of Jan 2002) rising to a staggering 7.8 billion
within 2 years ? a rise of 156%. The highest growth markets will be
the USA and Canada, with China following a close third. Europe offers
the greatest opportunities for exploring more effective marketing
campaigns based on established, technology-aware user bases.?
MobileYouth Report 2002
The following information regarding mobile phones and tweens (8 to
14-year olds) might interest you:
20% of the urban tweens surveyed have their own mobile phones.
? Germany: 52%
? Spain: 33%
? Japan: 24%
? Brazil: 21%
? United States: 14%
? India: 4%
? China: 3%
Source: Strategic Marketing
Search criteria:
Mobile users by children UK OR US OR Europe OR global
Mobile penetration by children UK OR US OR Europe OR global
Youth cell phone market in the United States
Oftel residential survey children mobile phone
I hope you find this information helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |