The release date of The Sims 2 is September 17, 2004.
The game will be released in Australia on the same date, or within 4
days of that date. This was confirmed in a live chat a few weeks ago
by Lucy Bradshaw, Executive Producer at Maxis, the company that makes
The Sims.
In the chat, Ms Bradshaw (MaxisLucy) was specifically asked about the
Australian release date by an individual named StarWars_Freak_No_1:
"StarWars_Freak_No_1 (Apr 1, 2004 6:55:23 PM)
Will the sims 2 be released all around the world on the same day, or
do the people in Australia have to wait? PLZ ANSWER
MaxisLucy (Apr 1, 2004 6:55:23 PM)
Same day everywhere or at least within 4 days "
source: The Sims 2: Community Chat - April 2004
Additional source:
"We have now got official words from Maxis that The Sims 2 has been
slated for release on September 17th in North America. Worldwide
release will happen within four days after this date."
source: ServePro.com: Sims 2
search strategy:
"the sims 2" released "in australia"
"the sims 2" "worldwide release"
I hope this helps. Thanks! |