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For Aceresearcher
Category: Computers > Internet Asked by: dgp-ga List Price: $20.00 |
21 May 2004 13:14 PDT
Expires: 20 Jun 2004 13:14 PDT Question ID: 350079 |
Greetings Ace, Last year you were kind enough to comment on this question http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=197995 Well sadly things have gone from bad to worse and now I don't think that the big G has the site in the first 20 pages when searching for transcranial doppler. (Although it has a page rank of 2). Reviewing your comments and your answers to similar questions, I understand that the big G wants to see lots of text and not a lot of java. I also understand that I should take the java, put it in a text file, label it blahblah.js, put it on the server and create a anchor link to it thus changing the ratio of text to script in favor of text. The question is how? I have tried to do this but all that seems to happen is that I lose the top and bottom banner as well as the menu, so clearly the links are not linking. After several attempts I gave up but I know that this will bother me forever until it is resolved, so over to you. Can you explain in fairly small words how to get the three pieces of script out of www.dwldoppler.com/index.html and into *.js files and where to put them? Alternatively if you were so inclined and you have the time and resources, perhaps you could just do it and I would reward your efforts by increasing the value of this question with a tip. Thanks and best regards | |
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Re: For Aceresearcher
Answered By: aceresearcher-ga on 24 May 2004 07:16 PDT |
That's good news! Your embedded Flash objects don't really involve JavaScript, and SSI (server-side includes) are a much better way to do what you need to do. Using SSI "include"s will give you a couple of benefits: 1) It will simplify your html pages, both for maintenance (programming) purposes, and for making your pages more friendly to search engine spiders; and 2) If you change all of your pages to contain these "include"s, in the future, if you decide to change your page header, footer, or navigation menu, you will only need to make the change(s) in the "include" files, and the changes will be instantly propagated throughout all the pages on your site. One change you will need to make is to change the extension on all of your web pages to ".shtml": "By default, the server does not bother looking in HTML files for the SSI commands. This would slow down every access to a HTML file. To use SSI you need to tell Apache which documents contain the SSI commands." http://www.apacheweek.com/features/ssi The syntax for this statement is <!--#include file="filename.html"--> where "filename" in your case might be "header", "footer", or "navmenu", and it is located in the same directory as the page which is including it. To include a document from a higher-level directory, the syntax is <!--#include virtual="/higher_directory/filename.html"--> Here is Apache's Tutorial on Server-Side Includes (SSI): http://httpd.apache.org/docs/howto/ssi.html I have another recommendation for you as well. Not everyone will have the Flash player -- or the right version of it -- installed on their system. So if you are going to make Flash such an integral part of your website, you really need to include at the bottom of your pages something like: "This site requires Flash [lowest version number which will work properly] Get the FREE download now." Scroll to the bottom of this site's home page for an example: http://www.cosmogirl.com My personal preference is not make the menu -- a **critical** part of your website -- in Flash. Why? Because search engines, including the Googlebot, can't index text in a Flash presentation. So by setting your menu up this way, you have denied all of your pages the opportunity to be indexed by the important words which appear in your menu. You may want to consider defining your menu with html instead (if you do so, be sure to include "alt" tags for each of the items, because "alt" tags get indexed as well). Once you've had a chance to pull the embedded Flash objects out into separate files and change your home page to contain "include"s, if you're still having problems, let me know, and we'll get them worked out. I hope that this Answer provides you with exactly the information you needed to simplify your pages for the Googlebot! Again, thanks for requesting my services, ace |
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Re: For Aceresearcher
From: ceejay-ga on 23 May 2004 19:02 PDT |
I'm assuming that you are doing this to satisfy the EULA requirements that were imposed upon Micro$oft and the ActiveX technology. To overcome this ruling, you must write all Flash embeds through javascript which you have already attempted to do. Being a flash developer I have done this tweak so many times that I can probably do it in my sleep. I will include the code that you need to add into a .js file and just call the functions 'inline' inside the '<body>' tag in your page. I tried to read your clariafication in an attempt to figure out what you were doing wrong but if you ran the inline javascript in the exact same location as your flash embeds then you were doing it correctly. You may have just overlooked a minor detail in the docuemnt.write process. I couldn't find your old javascript files on yoru web server @ 'doppler1.js'.. etc.. Listed below is the code you need to include into a .js file and include it inside your '<head>' tags or anywhere before the '<body>' tag to be safe. Then just cut out the '<object>...</object>' tags and replace with the following code like you originally were.. "<script>writeTopBanner();</script>".. where the code was for the top banner.. do this for all three flash objects with the corresponding function to write that chunk of code to the browser. Below you can find the code for the .js include.. Code pasted below.. _____________________________________________________________ function writeTopBanner() { document.write("<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase='http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0' width='705' height='60'>"); document.write("<param name=movie value='header.swf?text1=DWL Transcranial Doppler&home=http://www.dwldoppler.com/index.html'>"); document.write("<param name=quality value=high>"); document.write("<embed src='header.swf?text1=DWL Transcranial Doppler&home=http://www.dwldoppler.com/index.html' quality=high pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='705' height='60'>"); document.write("</embed></object>"); } function writeSideNav() { document.write("<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase='http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0'"); document.write("width='200' height='438' id='nav1' align='top'>"); document.write("<param name=movie value='nav1.swf'>"); document.write("<param name=quality value=high>"); document.write("<embed src='nav1.swf' quality=high width='200' height='438' name='nav1' align='top' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'>"); document.write("</embed></object>"); } function writeFooter() { document.write("<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' codebase='http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0' width='705' height='60'>"); document.write("<param name=movie value='footer.swf'>"); document.write("<param name=quality value=high>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent>"); document.write("<embed src='footer.swf' quality=high pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='705' height='60'>"); document.write("</embed></object>"); } ________________________________________________________________________ Let me know if you run into any other problems.. ill check back tomorrow. -CJ <flashGuru/> |
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