The term "open time" refers to the period of time it takes for paint
to become dry to the touch.
"Open Time - The amount of time it takes for paint to dry to the touch."
Tole Expressions Reference: Dictionary of Painting Terms
The open time of an acrylic paint varies, depending on the exact
formulation of the paint, the technique the artist has used in
applying the paint, and the temperature and humidity of the
environment. Most artists' acrylics have an open time of less than one
hour; some are dry to the touch in as little as ten minutes. Drying
time can be made faster or slower by adding various kinds of extenders
to the paint.
"Normal acrylic paint dries in a few minutes. It is 80 percent cured
in a few days and is fully cured (completely dry to the last molecule)
in a week."
Folk Art Tips
"Open Time
Working Time is typically 30 to 45 minutes, depending on a number of
factors. The nature of the technique used, whether additive (sponging,
ragging on, etc.) or subtractive (stippling, ragging off, etc.), will
vary the working time considerably. Environmental factors such as
humidity, temperature, absorbency of surface and air circulation will
all impact the amount of open time."
Golden Paints
Google Web Search: "open time" painting acrylics
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