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Q: Either bobbie7, pinkfreud, digsalot or political guru JIMMY SWAGGART, IRAQ BIBLE ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   3 Comments )
Subject: Either bobbie7, pinkfreud, digsalot or political guru JIMMY SWAGGART, IRAQ BIBLE
Category: Relationships and Society > Cultures
Asked by: mcisencraft-ga
List Price: $3.00
Posted: 23 May 2004 19:12 PDT
Expires: 22 Jun 2004 19:12 PDT
Question ID: 350957
I have heard that Jimmy Swaggart is making $1000 urgent appeals to
send Bibles to Iraq soldiers. If true can you find out if the Bible
has Jimmy Swaggarts name or picture on it?  And/or does he seem to be
inflating the price. (Use any criteria your experience dictates)

If possible let the first paragraph of your answer sum up if it looks
like he is up to something again. Thankyou. McIsencraft
Subject: Re: Either bobbie7, pinkfreud, digsalot or political guru JIMMY SWAGGART, IRAQ BIBLE
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 23 May 2004 19:53 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
I'll get up on the soapbox for a moment, since you've asked for an
opinion of whether Jimmy Swaggart is "up to something again." As a
committed Christian who is often distressed by the manipulative
techniques of some televangelists, I must say that, in my personal
view, it is not likely that Swaggart ever ceased being "up to
something," so the "again" part is somehow superfluous.

I do know that there are many Christians who are deeply devoted to
this man. I do not wish to offend them, but I find Swaggart's methods
and manner very troubling.

The only online mention I've seen of the Swaggart organization
specifically soliciting $1000 contributions for Bibles to be sent to
Iraq is here:

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

As you can see from the page linked above, for $1000, Jimmy Swaggart
Ministries offers to ship 30 copies of "The Expositor's New Testament"
to U.S. troops in Iraq.

Here you'll find a photo of the cover of "The Expositor's New
Testament." It is decorated with a rather tasteful logo depicting a
stylized cross and dove. No sign of Jimmy's face or name, on the
outside anyway:

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries 

30 New Testaments for a thousand bucks. Hmm. As a comparison, for
$1000, Campus Crusade for Christ offers to send 500 Bibles to Iraq:

Campus Crusade for Christ

I hope this is the kind of answer you were expecting. If not, please
request clarification, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I

Again, I'd like to emphasize that I have no quarrel with Mr.
Swaggart's sincere admirers, but I truly believe their money could be
better spent.

Best regards,
mcisencraft-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $2.00
Exactly the answer and format I wanted. How do you Googlist do it!
Thanks again. McIsencraft

Subject: Bibles
From: cmiller-ga on 24 May 2004 04:19 PDT
Interestingly enough, and being a former soldier, when you are
deployed (at least in the situation(s) I was in, each soldier was
given, or was able to request, a Gideon New Testament, that fits in
the pocket of their uniform. It was free, and was given by the Chapel.
(And this was in the last ten years.)
Subject: Re: Either bobbie7, pinkfreud, digsalot or political guru JIMMY SWAGGART, IRAQ BIBLE
From: pinkfreud-ga on 24 May 2004 08:57 PDT
Thank you very much for the five stars and the tip!

Subject: Re: Either bobbie7, pinkfreud, digsalot or political guru JIMMY SWAGGART, IRAQ BIBLE
From: jimmyline-ga on 17 Dec 2004 08:05 PST
I am an ordained Assemblies of God pastor.  I used to be VERY
supportive of Swaggart's ministry, when he was still with the
Assemblies of God.  I have also served as a missionary, and have
experience rasing funds just like any ministry that exists.  I am
currently planting a church now, and have a mailing list that goes out
to my friends, family, etc.

Swaggart usually NEVER puts his picture on his books.  It is always
his ministries trademark "Cross and Dove" symbol.  He's used it for 30
years.  To those who volontarily contribute to him, they get added to
his mailing list--as all ministries tend to do when you contact them. 
After his 1988 fall, he deleted millions of names from his list
because they were not supporting him anymore.  I would also
add--having done this myself as a missionary--the act somebody sending
a ministry a donation so that they can send a Bible, food, clothing,
etc. to somebody else is a way that ALL churches, ministries, etc.
raise funds.  Even the Gideon's Organization (my parents are both
members) raise money all the time through direct mailing, banquets,
etc.  Sure, people get their Bible's for free--but somebody along the
line has to pay for them.  You have to pay for staff to package them. 
You have to pay for those who work 40, 50, 60 hours a week behind the
scenes.  Printers and editors do not work for free.  Likewise,
Swaggart's fund raising for Bible's is directed towards his
supporters. Those who actually GET the Bible's will not pay a dime,
most likely.  Keep in mind: no pastor has ever held a gun to anybody's
head and forced them to give money.  Grant it, there is deception at
times (i.e. Oral Robert's claim that you need to send him 8 million
buck or God will kill him).  Must of us, however, are just honest
pastors who are trying to help people.  I am living at about the
poverty line, by choice.

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