Hello windmill-ga
I believe that the piece you are asking about was aired on National
Public Radios Morning Edition on Monday, June 28th, 1999. Although
this is earlier than the last year that you mentioned in your
question, this is the only piece concerning windmills that I have been
able to find on either National Public Radio and Public Broadcasting
(TV) that is close to the story you heard.
Authored by Leif Enger of Minnesota Public Radio, the piece reported
on the renewed interest in the kind of windmills that used to puimp
water on farms across the Prairie States. Since NPR has recently
prohibited linking to their sites, I am reluctant to include a link
here, but you can go to the NPR website and look at their Archives
section and search on windmills in the top box, and since 1996
in the second box.
Randy Stubbs was one of the featured people in the NPR piece. Mr.
Stubbs operation is called BIG COUNTRY WINDMILLS and they are located
in Maxwell, Nebraska. Their website is: http://windmills.swnebr.net/
They have an operation in California as well, and have quite an
extensive website.
Doyle Herrig of Elko, Minnesota was the other featured person.
Unfortunately, Mr. Herrig passed away last year, in July, at the young
age of 54. Mr. Herrig seemed to be a regular contributor to the
following site: http://www.wincharger.com/
He left two sons, though I can find no evidence of their continuing
the business.
Good luck with Mr. Stubbs and his windmill operation! If I can be of
any further assistance, please click on the Clarification button and I
will get right back to you.
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