1.) I have seen a quite similar Question (ID: 183253), answered
perfectly by theta-ga. Subject was ?JavaScript: Cookie: Submit Form
only once every 3 months?. Maybe its possible just to make a few
2.) I also have seen an example for what I want at
http://www.andale.com/corp/index.html [function ?Research eBay
3.) Here are the differences between 1.) and 2.) [= what I need/Option #1]
(a) I do have approx. 15 web pages with a send form.
(b) I want the user to be allowed to send a maximum of n forms to me.
(c) If n is reached, the user should be redirected to a page where he
is invited to sign up.
(d) n should be adjustable by the user himself (but not changeable
once the user has chosen one option) either by typing in a provided
password or by choosing one category from a list (for example ?Guest
User?, ?Member? ???).
As the pages are already very huge files (100 Kb +) a slim solution would be fine.
Option #2:
(a) User chooses his status (?Guest User?, ?Member?, ??.?) and sends a
form with his E-Mail-address.
(b) User gets an E-Mail with verification link.
(c) ...and automatically receives the right to send n question-forms
(depending on his status as ?Guest user?, ?Member? and so on).
Really don?t know if this can be done?if not, we?ll stick with option 1.
Looking forward to hear from you!
Best Regards,
John |