Hi Philipp
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As ever with translation, there are questions to consider.
Chat is a standard word for chats in chatrooms, but there are some
French-speakers who would like to avoid adopting English words into
the language. If you are keen to avoid "franglais", use "Rechercher
Some French-speakers want to use the word "joueb" (= journal web)
instead of blog, but is that pure French?
I don't think there's a neat way of combining the ideas of being lucky
and going to the first result in a short phrase. "Coup de chance"
means stroke of luck. "Premier résultat" is first result.
There's no French word for the wildcard asterisk. The English word is
used, and may be explained as the "caractère de remplacement"
(replacement character). I've put "remplacer" meaning replace, but you
could just leave it as "wildcard".
Please just ask if you want any further explanation!
I enjoyed experimenting with FindForward, and think it's a great idea
to expand it beyond English. (The 20th century zeitgeist searches are
Best wishes - Leli
Search strategy - thought hard, checked thoughts in dictionary, and on Google, e.g.
"back links" liens référents
"fils d'Actualités" newsfeeds
franglais chat
chat bavardage
blog OR weblog joueb franglais
wildcard remplacer OR remplacement
://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&q=wildcard+remplacer+OR+remplacement&btnG=Rechercher&meta= |