Hello dtravis,
Thank you for your question.
As you will note from the following pdf file, there are several
options for Mac OS X users and Avery templates:
"...Question What solutions are available for Macintosh users to
format and print Avery products?
Answer There are three main options for Macintosh users:
? Avery Print From the Web
? Avery Templates for Microsoft® Office Word
? Alliance Partner Software..."
Following a link from this document, then searching for 27871 lead me
to this page with downloadable templates for this business card stock:
You can easily download templates for Microsoft Word at this page.
The instructions for Mac users note:
"...We have created both blank and pre-designed templates to help you
format your Avery products using Microsoft Word 97 for Windows and all
later versions. Avery has the latest technologies and carefully
screens all downloadable files for viruses before delivering them to
These instructions are for various Internet browsers and various
settings within each browser. You may not know which setting is
applicable to your machine until you begin the download process. We
suggest you print these instructions for easy reference..."
If you are using Internet Explorer, your complete set of instructions
appears on this page:
"...For Internet Explorer Users:
Click the "Download" Button
Proceed with Download
The template will automatically be downloaded and saved
Also, a small pop-up window will appear that will provide you with
additional download instructions, if necessary
Save the Template
Save the template the way you normally save all other Microsoft Word documents
Select the appropriate location and folder so that you can easily
find the templates
Be sure to save the templates in a common location you can easily
reference in the future. You may want to create a folder for all your
The default File Name will be the Avery template name.
For example: c_0102_us0_biz_cards_10psht.doc
Feel free to change the name of the template to allow you to more
easily reference it.
The default Save as type will be Word Document. This is correct. If
Word Document is not the default setting, change the Save as type to
Word Document.
Close the Window
Once the template has been saved, close the second small pop-up
window that provides you with additional download instructions
Continue Template Search
Continue searching for additional templates
Be sure to save each template as you search using the instructions from Step 3.
Personalize Your Template in Microsoft Word
Go to Microsoft Word and find the template you saved
Open the template
Note: If the template looks like a blank page, the gridlines may not
be visible. Go to the Table menu and select Show / Hide Gridlines. The
gridlines should be showing in order to view the template.
Make any necessary or desired edits and changes
Save the document
Print using your favorite Avery products
These templates are just like all other Microsoft Word documents.
Open the template up as you normally would and simply edit the font,
text, colors and graphics to personalize the template..."
Search Strategy:
Avery +template +OS x
I trust my research has provided you with the answer you need to begin
printing your cards. If a link above should fail to work or anything
require further explanation or research, please do post a Request for
Clarification prior to rating the answer and closing the question and
I will be pleased to assist further.
-=clouseau=- |