<According to the Labour Force Survey of 2002, mobile workers comprise
7.4 percent of the UK workforce (2.2 million mobile workers).
According to IDC the UK had 2.3 million mobile workers in 2001 ? 8% of
the British workforce. In Sweden, 12% of the population are mobile
workers and in Germany there were 4.1 million mobile workers.
A 2001 survey on smoking in the workplace, carried out by the Office
for National Statistics found that 6% of workers worked alone.
Table 5.8 Restriction on smoking where the respondent currently works
? shows the percentage of people who work alone.
Home workers.
According to UK government figures, there are just under
three-quarters of a million home-workers in the UK less than 2% of
those employed. In Scotland there are 44,000 home-workers.
55% of home-workers are part-time, 45% work full time.
Three-fifths of home-workers are self-employed, 36% are employees and
6% are unpaid family workers.
Breakdown of the number of home workers by industry:
Banking, finance and insurance -30%
Public administration, education and health ? 18%
Distribution, hotels and restaurants ? 14%
Other services ? 12%
In addition there are two million occasional home-workers (working at
home at least one day a week).
According to the DTI in 2003 there were 700,000 home workers in the UK.
The DTI predicts that between 2002 and 2005 the number of home workers
in the UK will increase by 26 percent to 8.2 million.
Case study
9% - 12.9% of the Lothian Council workforce are lone workers.
According to the European Parliament, there are10 million home-workers
in the European Union.
According to IDC the number of mobile workers in the Europe will
increase from 10 million to over 28.8 million by 2005.
The IDC study costs $2,875.00
The European Telework Scene 20 ?stats and facts.
According to Bonn Empirica there are 20 million European teleworkers.
An estimated 200,000 people in Finland work alone ? 10% of the workforce.
According to Freedom2connect there will be 20.1 million lone workers by 2005
<Search strategy:>
<"home workers in the european">
<"home workers in the uk">
"percent of the workforce" "working alone"
<uk "worked alone" workers>
<Hope this helps.> |