I believe the word you're looking for is "steatopygia."
"Buttock size also shows moderate population-specificity, being fairly
small among East Asian populations and larger among European and
African populations. Among the Kalahari bushwomen and the Hottentots,
female buttock size is particularly exaggerated into a condition known
as 'steatopygia'; this condition bears no clear relation to any
ecological requirement for fat storage."
Human Evolution
"steatopygia: Extreme accumulation of fat on and about the buttocks,
especially of women, as among the Hottentots, Bushmen, and certain
other South African peoples."
"Many African groups have individuals with well-developed buttocks and
thighs, resembling steatopygia. These probably represent some past
interracial mixture, as the archaeological record reveals that the
Bushmen-Hottentot (Capoid) group once dominated most of Africa and
have been pinched into a relic area, replaced by more dominant
Linda Mealey's Home Page
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "steatopygia"
I hope this is the word you were seeking. If it is not, please request
clarification, and I'll resume the quest.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |