Thanks for your question: this sounds like an interesting product.
I found one "compressed face mask" on the Web site of "Kornon", a
Korean manufacturer specializing in health and skin care products made
of soft, hypo allergenic, non-woven synthetic fabric:
Kornon Face Mask
Open their page and click on the "+ Enlarge Photo" button below the
thumbnail picture. A popup window appears showing a product package
lying on two opened packs (pink and blue). Several coin-sized
compressed face masks are in each of the molded plastic trays.
This item is specifically called a "compressed face mask" in a table
on another Kornon page:
"Packing Details"
In the table's 14th line, click on the linked product name "Compressed
face mask", and you will see the same popup product image as mentioned
above. The packaging is labelled as follows:
Shirmeny Facial Mask Sheet
Beauty [Day?]
[picture of product in profile with holes for eye, nose, mouth]
[closeup picture of woman's face]
Anti Bacteria
This particular "Shirmeny" brand product is not actually sold by
Kornon, but is manufactured by them for a cosmetics/healthcare
distributor in Taipei, Taiwan. Shirmeny brand products can be seen at
the following Web site:
Allgoods Online
Allgoods has another "Shirmeny" brand compressed facial mask, but it
doesn't look like the Kornon product:
What's New's%20new.htm
"5912 ... Shirmeny Rayon Compressed Facial Mask Sheet ... 12pcs"
Allgoods has an online information request form (at They may be able to direct
you to an English-speaking source for Shirmeny brand compressed face
masks. Here is their complete contact information:
2F., No.193, San Yuan St.
Jungjeng Didt.,Taipei 10082 Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-2-23012778
Fax: +886-2-23013739
Kornon (the Korean manufacturer) showcases several other products with
English packaging, so they might manufacture products for resellers in
English-speaking countries. They have an online bulletin board where
you can post a request for more information. I suggest you ask them
for the names and contact information of any English-speaking
companies that sell their compressed face masks:
Kornon Bulletin Board
Kornon's other contact information is here:
3F, Donsim Building
#243-6, Yangjae 2 Dong
Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel: 82-2-3462-7102~4
Fax: 82-2-574-4907
Thank you,
P.S. - I am always surprised at the amount of thought, design, and
work that goes into apparently simple products. If you care to browse
through it, Kornon's Web site (
provides several links with interesting details about their
manufacturing processes.
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