Hello! Who doesn't love a good catchy commercial? I know sometimes the
commercials are more memorable than the programs that I watch :)
Anyway, to the task at hand. I found out a good bit of information on
the "Get outta bed" commercial.
The Richards Group did the commercial.
?This is really an evolution of the campaign that we developed last
year for the FDOC (Florida Department of Citrus),? said Mike Malone,
creative group head for The Richards Group. ?We know that moms are the
primary shoppers for families and understand that mornings can be
hectic, but we want to show how adding orange juice to the morning mix
can help families get an energetic start to their day.?
You can reach him at:
The Richards Group
Attn: Mike Malone
8750 N. Central Expressway
Suite 1200
Dallas, Texas 75231-6437
You can also request a meeting with one of our brand group heads (Such
as Mike Malone), by calling Jean Howe at 214-891-5702 or dropping them
an e-mail. You can email them by clicking the link on this page.
An article about the ad campaign for Florida Department of Citrus
PUBLIC RELATIONS" at the FDOC and had major involvement in the
"We want moms to understand that we can identify with the challenges
they face in getting the family up and moving each morning,? said
Michelle Chandler, deputy director of marketing and public relations
for the FDOC"
She talks about the start of the campaign here, whom she needs to
market too, and her plan implementation. It sounds like the "Get Outta
Bed" commercial was her idea and the Richards Group made them happen.
She seems relatively new there, and they don't have her listed on the
FDOC site, but following their e-mail address format, you should be
able to reach her at
Here are the other contacts in her department as well. I am sure they
can get a MSG to her, or whoever is in her position at FDOC if for
some reason her e-mail does not follow the format they seem to use for
everyone else.
Google Searches Used
In addition, on a side note, the band in the commercial was the
Rayzing Sons, as stated on their web page
"FLORIDA CITRUS OJ & RAYZING SONS! I guess if you don't watch TV then
you haven't seen RS in a commercial for "FLORIDA CITRUS ORANGE JUICE"
wakeing a reluctant kid outta' bed for school! NATE is trying to get
his sleep on when his mom signals the SONS to enter his room and
totally ruin is morning by screaming "Get outta' bed" in his ear and
destroying his room with heavy metal! It's funny as hell! If u haven't
seen it by now, you trippin'. Thanks to THE RICHARDS GROUP for using
the SONS in the campain!"
So, looks like we've got that commercial thoroughly dissected. If this
answer requires further explanation, please request clarification
before rating it, and I'll be happy to look into this further.
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