Hello bapudipu!
There is a name for the kind of game you're describing... Rube
Goldberg. The idea is to come up with the most complicated way of
doing a simple, everyday task. (To read about Rube Goldberg, the man,
see the bio section of Rube-Goldberg.com, @
http://www.rube-goldberg.com/html/bio.htm .)
There is a famous Rube Goldgerg-esque Milton Bradley game called
Mousetrap, and I bet that's what you played. There are also Rube
Goldberg contests, and other board & online games. Here are some
links to check out:
The Rube Goldberg Homepage
( http://www.rube-goldberg.com/ )
All things Rube.
Amazon.com's ordering page for Mousetrap
( http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/stores/detail/-/toys/B00000DMFD/qid=1025571642/br=1-13/ref=br_lf_t_13/002-6478479-7451203
Central Connection, a resource for game rules and more, has a great
page on Mousetrap with details, info, and pictures - you can even buy
replacement parts!
( http://www.centralconnector.com/GAMES/mousetrap.html )
Here's a page from the UK Gameshow Homepage about the live action
Mousetrap game! (Hard to imagine :)
( http://www.qwertyuiop.co.uk/gs/atoz/programmes/m/motormouth/ )
Amazon.com's ordering page for Return of The Incredible Machine:
( http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00004Y2LI/ref%3Dnosim/sierra04-20/002-6478479-7451203
From the product description: "Return of the Incredible Machine:
Contraptions gives players a goal, such as knocking a blimp out of the
air or blowing up a brick wall so a ball can escape. Players must
build a functional machine that meets the goal, using a basket of
wacky machine parts."
( http://users.aol.com/gravball/ )
Shareware that has this to say about itself: "Gravityball is a
cerebral game with some arcade action mixed in. Sort of a cross
between 'The Incredible Machine', 'Marble Madness' 'Marble Drop' and
Pinball. You build your own 'Rube Goldberg' machine. Build your
machine from an assortment of parts. Launch the ball into your
machine. Points are scored as the ball interacts with your machine.
Parts that can be used to build your machine include bumpers, troughs,
blocks, gravity fields, worm-hole transporters, switches and more.
Cleverness and creativity are the keys to success in Gravityball."
"The Best Rube Goldberg Links (by Alexis)"
( http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/6102/rube-links.html
Lots of links to information, a few contests, and a page that will be
back up in July that sells simple Rube-Goldberg kits. Alexis, you
should know, is a 10-year old boy who loves Rube Goldberg... He sure
has done his homework!
IEEE Spectrum Online, an Engineering magazine, has an article about
Mousetrap by Greg Gillespie, @
Argonne National Laboratory's Rube Goldberg Machine Contest Home Page:
( http://www.anl.gov/OPA/rube/ )
Including links to various Rube Goldberg contests.
Argonne also has an information page:
( http://www.anl.gov/OPA/rube/rubeinfo.html)
It contains how-to info on building a Rube Goldberg, Rube-related
books & toys, and more.
I hope this is what you were looking for... Feel free to request
clarification if I can be of further help!
I searched for:
rube goldberg game
( ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=rube+goldberg+game
rube goldberg
( ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=rube+goldberg )
rube goldberg board game
( ://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=rube+goldberg+board+game
) |