I am working on a project to collect the autograph of every boxer
Muhammad Ali ever fought-of the 50 boxers Ali faced I am missing the
signature of Alejandro Lavorante-Lavorante fought Ali on 7/20/62 and
in his next fight in LA on 9/21/62 was critically injured and died in
Argentina on 4/01/64.I am looking to locate the signature of
Mr.Lavorante preferably on a fight contract, insurance
policy,application or any such document.Have been in touch with
numerous memorobilia dealers with no luck-Will pay a generous fee for
the signature- Can you help me locate this missing autograph? |
Request for Question Clarification by
10 Jul 2002 13:42 PDT
Hello, Flash-GA,
As I am in Argentina, I was able to make direct contact with a major
box management organization in this country. Theyre quite likely to
have what you're asking for, but the person I contacted in the company
asked me to call back next week, since these are very old files
theyll have to search through. If they confirm they have it, still
the consent to make it available might be something they wouldnt
discuss with me. If this company confirms they have a documented
signature of Mr. Alejandro Lavorante, would you accept as an answer
their contact information, so you can discuss directly with them how
to obtain it?
Clarification of Question by
10 Jul 2002 15:53 PDT
Dear Guillermo-ga
Thanks so much for taking the time to research and answer my
question relative to locating a documented Alejandro Lavorante
signature. As I review your researcher ratings you appear to be
Intelligent, Aggressive and Connected;
Just the type of person that would be a wonderfuladdition to my team.
I would like to suggest that since you are in Argentina, speak the
and have the contacts, succesfully completing this task is a lot more
likely with you as the point person. If the management organization
does in fact have the Lavorante autograph and you can obtain it for me
I willdouble your fee to $200. Obviously, any costs incurred for the
signature will be covered at my
end- if the management group doesn't have the signature or wont
release itthen we both lose.
Hoping these terms are satisfactory. Will anxiously await your
Warmest Regards,
Request for Question Clarification by
10 Jul 2002 21:11 PDT
Dear Stephen,
In first place, let me thank you for your comments about my
performance on previous works, I wish to honor them in this case. I
like and accept the challenge you offer me. Let me suggest you a
procedure to establish the deal.
You should repost this question pricing it $200, adding in the subject
job for Guillermo-ga only, and make sure you mention why you want
this specific researcher, as stated in your question clarification --I
dont mean the praise, but the fact of being in Argentina, having
established contacts, etc.. I think it would be convenient for the
negotiation --and the negotiator-- to prevent double searching that
could lead to the same people at the same time.
If in a reasonable time, say too weeks, I hadnt succeeded or at least
showed consistent information proving Im close to it, you could
always reopen the question for other researchers try, and even change
the price again to its original. No need to say I wouldnt get --and
you wouldnt loose-- any money until you get what youre looking for.
Hoping you agree with my suggestion, I await your answer.
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
11 Jul 2002 06:02 PDT
Dear Guillermo- Thanks for the expeditious response- will immediately
edit the question parameters & increase the pricing to $200.00 for
answering this question. While that is no problem, I am somewhat
apprehensive about limiting my potential sources for answering this
question to just you. By limiting my options to just you, reseachers
worldwide who may have other ways or methods of potentially answering
this question are out of the loop. In addition, if you are my only
source & are unable to obtain Mr. Lavorante's signature my project
then has a stale taste to other researchers. As a businessman, I have
found that competition is healthy- I hope you accept the challenge!
Warmest regards Stephen
Request for Question Clarification by
11 Jul 2002 16:25 PDT
Dear Stephen,
I absolutly understand your aprehension, and apologize for having
misunderstood that part of your previous message, believing you'd
prefer a single researcher in order to avoid complications to an
eventual negotiation with a potential provider of Lavorante's
signature. Of course I take the challenge, trusting in my
competitiveness. And if any fellow researcher gets it earlier, that'll
be fair game!
Best Regards,
Clarification of Question by
12 Jul 2002 06:09 PDT
Dear Guillermo- Welcome aboard- Wishing you the best of luck in your
efforts to find the Holy Grail! Please stay in touch. Warmest
regards- Srephen
Clarification of Question by
12 Jul 2002 07:03 PDT
Dear 4Keith
Thanks for the interest in my Muhammad Ali project. While there are
several other signatures that are needed to complete the task at hand,
I would like this particular inquiry to focus in on Lavorante. In the
very near future, I will post individual questions requesting
information on the other missing autographs.
If you have access or a connection to Mr. Lavorante's family in
Argentina, I would be very enthuastic about you contacting them about
locating this signature.
Thanks for your suggestions about buying the 1961 Boxing Ring Magazine
and contacting the WBO. By the way, the $200.00 research fee is
burning a hole in my pocket-I wish you and all the other researchers
the best of luck in answering this question. I hope that we can both
hit the jackpot!
Good luck - Stay in Touch!
Warmest Regards,
Clarification of Question by
12 Jul 2002 12:24 PDT
Dear 4Keith-Thanhs for your interest in my Muhammad Ali
project-without question you are a crackerjack when it comes to
locating information-your suggestion to touch base with Pinky George
is very ingenious- great minds must think alike because I had the same
thought- unfortunately Pinky has in fact passed away & while his son
was quite cordial he had no access to Mr. Lavorante's autograph. Your
suggestion to contact Mr. Lavorante's attending physician is also
insightful-will try to contact him & will advise- Thanks for all your
help-you are GOOD-enjoy your week-end. Warmest regards- Stephen/Flash
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Jul 2002 09:01 PDT
Dear Stephen,
In order to keep you informed, I'm glad to tell you that I made
contact with Lavorante's sister. She said she may have Alejandro's
passport, but she asked me to talk to her brother first, in a couple
of hours. If we're lucky, this business might be resolved during the
day. Isn't it exciting?
Best regards,
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Jul 2002 12:18 PDT
Dear Stephen,
Things have slowed down. I talked to Alejandro Lavorante's brother. He
seemed most collaborative, but he said they (he and his sister) don't
keep their brother's passport as she had thought, and couldn't figure
out what other document they might have. Theres one more brother in
another city, who apparently has no telephone number, but the one I
talked to committed himself to write him a letter commenting this
search, and asking him about any document with Alejandros signature
he may conserve. Yet, I'll try to trace him myself. Besides, the
Management Company alternative is not yet closed. And there might be
other possibilities.
Well, these are news so far. You must know better than me that this is
a matter-of-patience-job. We still have chances from my part. Whenever
my resources were over, I'll let you know at once.
Clarification of Question by
15 Jul 2002 14:34 PDT
Dear Guillermo- Thanks so much for your spectacular efforts in our
quest to locate Alejandro Lavorante's autograph-you are a wonderful
partner and I really appreciate your innovative research on this
project-I have found that you have to knock on many doors before the
right one opens-perseverence in this search and in life itself more
often than not will produce a winning result- keep up the good work-
you are the BEST! I will be patient but as always look forward to
hearing from you. Warmest regards- Stephen
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Jul 2002 21:57 PDT
Dear Stephen,
Hope you don't mind for not having heard from me for one week, but it
doesn't mean I gave up -on the contrary, in that case you would have
had my news-, it's just that I had no significant news to tell you.
Now, a few hours ago I made contact with a nephew of Alejandro
Lavorante. I think this is our very last chance on the relatives lead.
He was very kind, and told me he'd ask his father (Alejandro's
brother) if they keep any document containing what we're looking for.
I should have an answer from him tomorrow night. I'll let you know as
soon as I hear from him.
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
23 Jul 2002 05:59 PDT
Dear Guillermo- Nice to hear from you- thanks for the update-I
certainly hope that the Lavorante family can help us-you have
certainly proven to be a relentless partner in this project-I hope
that both of us will see the fruits of our labor-by the way have you
heard anything from the boxing management organization in Argentina
you wrote about on 7/10? As always looking forward to hearing from
you- best of luck-Warmest regards Stephen
Request for Question Clarification by
23 Jul 2002 09:08 PDT
Hi, Stephen,
Sorry for having forgot to update you about the organizational lead,
just because I centered in the family one. Actually, I made contact
with two organizations -the one I'd already told you, and a box
association. Unfortunately, as representatives of them both told me,
they don't seem to keep archives of such old documents. Still, I would
try again if family contact doesn't work, since may be theyre just
reluctant to do the job of searching in very old archives.
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
23 Jul 2002 11:23 PDT
Dear Guillermo-Thanks for the update on the boxing organizations in
Argentina-I really believe if there is a Lavorante autograph in
Argentina you will find it!Good luck- I'll keep my fingures crossed.
Warmest regards- Stephen
Request for Question Clarification by
27 Jul 2002 15:17 PDT
Dear Stephen,
I couldnt avoid a little reluctance to post this message, but you
count on me and here I am. Weve had no luck with Alejandro
Lavorantes relatives. His nephew has sent me an email saying that
after searching thoroughly with his father (Alejandros brother) among
their things, it was no use.
This is the situation now: Family lead is gone. Organizational lead is
not, but I hadnt got to the highest levels of their management yet,
for it takes some time. The problem is that your question expires in
one week from now, and I dont think this would be time enough to
contact all the people I would have to.
Im ready to not give up, and Ill try to take the most out of the
remaining time, but I might need to feel free to schedule interviews
for the next week. If you consider this as a possibility, the question
can be posted again -you should ask the Google Answers Team how to do
Regardless what your decision will be, Ill sustain my efforts until
the last minute.
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
28 Jul 2002 04:20 PDT
Dear Guillermo-Obviously it is disappointing to hear that Alejandro's
family cannot help us-but your efforts are becoming
legendary-hopefully the boxing organization will be able to
accommodate us in our search this week, however if you need more time
I will definitely repost the question.Please don't get discouraged-if
anyone can locate this signature your the one.As always thanks for all
your help- you are a great partner! Warmest regards Stephen
Request for Question Clarification by
28 Jul 2002 09:25 PDT
Dear Stephen,
Thanks for your encouragement, and for being disposed to repost the
question. About this, please notice that I made a mistake about
current deadline. There is not a complete week as I said but only
three days left.
Its good to know that our endeavor is still on.
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
29 Jul 2002 05:32 PDT
Dear Guillermo- Happy Monday morning-Again no need to worry about this
question lapsing- Will repost this question on 8/01/2002-Remember I
want and need the Lavorante autograph- We both have too much time and
effort invested for me to abandon ship- Also please note interesting
comments and worthwhile suggestions from Lrargerich in comment section
yesterday 7/28/02- Perhaps they will help you/us in our efforts to
locate a Lavorante signature-Best of luck- Hope you have a fruitful
and enjoyable day- Warmest regards- Stephen