Dear rosie45,
In addition to the "Holland Lots", here are some more names from what
today is Hamlin Park:
1. "Buffalo Driving Park" or "Driving Park"
Before it was converted to a residential district and received today's
name in the 20th century, the area was named for the purpose the huge
plot in the center fulfilled - it was a popular carriage driving
ground and horse racing track. Old maps show the facility labelled as
"Driving Park", a name that was forgotten after the race track had
disappeared in favor of housing.
As an example for that old name, see the 1850 Buffalo Census map:
(Souce: NYGenWeb - Erie County Genealogy)
2. "The Fair Grounds"
The old Driving Park facility was not only a horse racing venue. Fairs
also took place on the spacious grounds. Therefore, the area was often
referred to as "Buffalo Fair Grounds" on old maps. The name "The Fair
Grounds" has the advantage of sounding not only historical (it has
something of Merry Old England), but also very positive, since "fair"
could, as an adjective, also mean "beautiful".
As an example for that former name, see this huge 1894 street plan:
(Source: Erie County - 1894 City of Buffalo Atlas)
3. "The Hager Estates"
While this is not a historical name in the strict sense, it
nevertheless reflects the actual history of the area. In the mid-19th
century, August Hager owned and farmed a large land lot between
Humboldt Parkway and Jefferson Avenue.
Fascinated by landscaping, Hager later subdivided his land into
carefully planned, landscaped, and intimate streets, and his influence
as a landscape designer is still strongly felt in the Hamlin Park
neighborhood today. "The Hager Estates" would remind of the former
farm and its influential owner.
See also:
Buffalo Architecture and History: Buffalo's Historic Naighborhoods - Hamlin Park
Buffalo Architecture and History: History of Hamlin Park
Some of the additional sources used for research:
Buffalo Architecture and History
Buffalo Research: Western New York Maps
Buffalo Architecture and History: Buffalo, NY Map Links
Buffalo Architecture and History: The History of Buffalo - Index
I hope that this will be helpful for finding an adequate name for your project!
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