Hi sitz,
Because of formatting limitiations, I was not able to duplicate the
chart on the site below. Looking at the chart online,however, scroll
down to lettuce, and you can see protein, vitamin A, calcium, iron,
potassium, and phosphorous to be more plentiful in Romaine lettuce,
while iceberg has a negligible amount more zinc. Notice that this is
per serving size for iguanas, not humans. Nutritional content of the
lettuces remains the same, be it for human consumption or reptilian
?If iceberg is the only type of lettuce you eat, you are choosing the
least-nutritious member of a family of nutritional champions. Any
other lettuce or leafy green vegetable would be a better choice. Most
other greens are also good sources of vitamin C, beta-carotene,
folate, and dietary fiber as well as some calcium.?
?More accurately called crisphead, this familiar pale green lettuce
forms a tight, cabbagelike head. Its texture is crisp and its flavor
very mild. Although it is not the nutritional powerhouse that other,
darker-green lettuces are, it is actually not as nutrition-free as
most people assume.?
?Not all lettuce is created equal, but if you start your meal with a
salad made of romaine lettuce you will be sure to add not only a
variety of textures and flavors to your meal but an enormous amount of
nutritional value.?
?Equally beneficial to heart health is Romaine's folic acid content.
This B vitamin is needed by the body to convert a damaging chemical
called homocysteine into other, benign substances?
Enjoy your salad! If any part of my answer is unclear, please request
an Answer Clarification, before rating. This will enable me to assist
you further, if possbible.
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