Hello Fatboyq
There is a standard procedure that you need to follow to obtain your
father's army number and date of joining.
First of all you probably have all the information that you require
but you have not posted it here so I will have to try to give you a
generic an answer as possible.
Assuming you are in the UK (judging by the timing of this question)
you will find these websites invaluable, if not ask for clarification
and I will track down the information for your location:
As you have indicated that your father served his country in WW2 you
could try contacting the following people giving them all the details
you know about your father (name, age, date of birth, location,
regiment if known etc). They deal with requests for information
within your timescale.
Army Personnel Centre,
Historical Disclosures,
Mailpoint 400,
Kentigern House,
65 Brown Street,
Glasgow G2 8EX
Telephone: 0845 600 9663
Fax: 0141 224 2144
There is currently a fee of £25 for this service.
If you do not wish to pay this fee you may have some success doing the
research yourself by visiting the Public Records Office. This is a
time consuming business when you are doing it for the first time (and
personally I would recommend paying the fee).
Here you will find all the information that is publically available (I
believe they also now have staff that can do the research for you, at
a price of course!).
Other places that might be helpful in your search include County
Record Offices (look in your phone book for the nearest one to you),
the Society of Geneologists (http://www.sog.org.uk) and the British
Legion (http://www.britishlegion.org.uk). The Imperial War Museum in
London is also another good provider of information and will be able
to assist in tracking down the information you require. They have a
website here: http://www.iwm.org.uk
Considering all this information and how overwhelming it can be my
first port of call would be here:
They have vast experience in tracking down the information that you
require and will be able to point you in the right direction after
considering the information that you have on your father and to the
depth of the information you wish to uncover.
If you have any further questions regarding this answer please ask for
clarification and I will do my best to help. |