Hello Dhr8e
There are a number of companies that specialise in this area of
computing. All should be able to image hard drives on a variety of
different operating systems (as you can image any hard drive with
specialised software that is operating system independent).
I have compiled a list of the most promising firms below (including
text taken directly from their site):
"Katsouris has helped clients recover, collect, preserve, analyze and
present computer related evidence. Computer evidence can be useful in
all types of litigation, including criminal cases, intellectual
property matters, employment dipsutes, contractual cases, and other
types of legal matters. More information is retained on a computer
than most people realize. Unless you completely destroy the computer,
it is very difficult to completely erase everything. Computer
forensics can often find evidence of, or even completely recover, lost
or deleted information, even if it was intentionally deleted."
"John Mellon, Vice-President of The Mellon Forensic Group, is a
retired US Customs Senior Special Agent with 28 years investigative
experience and over 16 years experience in computers. He is a
Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE)." This page lists all of
John Mellon's credentials and also that of his associate.
"911ForensicData's processing expertise / experience, and
communication management expertise have been used successfully in both
small and large cases. Under a comprehensive chain of custody,
electronic evidence, e-mail and other data is processed surfacing the
information for the legal issue in question to prosecute a legal case
in computer theft, computer fraud, data theft, data deletion, computer
hacking, computer data manipulation and any electronic data legal
"Our complete forensic offerings include: Electronic Data Acquisition
and Analysis, Electronic Evidence, Common Evidence Recovery, and
litigation Support. All Investigations are under the DOJ guidelines
for searching and seizing. Often, forensic evidence recovery is
preceded by the necessity for data recovery. Unlike many forensic
firms, we do both. Therefore we are able to conduct a more thorough
investigation and deliver a more complete report."
There are also a large number of highly qualified professionals not
working in Miami but in Florida and the rest of the USA but I have
focussed solely on those with offices in Miami. (For instance
Keycomputer.net as recommended by grthumongous-ga is located in Key
Should you require any further help on this subject please ask for
clarification and I will do all I can to help. |