I have located one state-sponsored bootcamp program in Massachusetts.
"The Massachusetts Boot Camp/Longwood is a 252 bed facility which is
the only one in Massachusetts. It has two (2) unique populations with
126 beds each participating in two (2) separate, intensive, in-house
The Boot Camp Program was the first of its kind in Massachusetts. The
facility opened in August, 1992, with the Boot Camp Program. The
program combines a military, disciplined operation within a highly
rehabilitative, therapeutic community.
The Massachusetts Boot Camp Program was established to meet a two-fold
agenda. The primary agenda of the Boot Camp is to enhance public
safety, reduce overcrowding in the state and county facilities and to
reduce the recidivism rate of the Commonwealth. As an alternative to
long-term incarceration, the Boot Camp's secondary agenda is to
instill positive social values, build respect for authority, improve
self esteem as well as the responsibility level of inmates in the
program, and to reduce drug, substance abuse, or alcohol use and
criminal activity among graduates of the program...
The Boot Camp Program is based on military discipline and protocol
where inmates are challenged to examine their attitudes, confront
their mistakes, and take responsibility for their lives."
Massachusetts Department of Correction
"Massachusetts: Boot Camp
Jurisdiction: Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Program Goals:
o Provide an alternative to long-term incarceration.
o Reduce prison overcrowding while enhancing public safety.
o Reduce recidivism and drug use.
o Increase individual offenders' positive social values,
respect for authority, confidence, and responsibility.
Eligibility Criteria:
o Male/female volunteers under the age of 40 committed to
a house of correction.
o Eligible for release after serving no more than 18 months
of sentence.
o No convictions for sex offenses, multiple DUI convictions,
domestic abuse convictions, outstanding felony warrants,
motor vehicle homicide convictions, assaultive crimes plus
three prior incarcerations, lengthy criminal histories,
mandatory sentences, or escape history.
o No medical or psychological problems.
...The boot camp employs 'Get Real,' a commercially produced program
that consists of community meetings, confrontation groups, a clearing
process, three-part meetings, steps in decisionmaking, and addiction
Massachusetts Boot Camp
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Executive Office of Public Safety
Department of Corrections
2 Administration Road
Bridgewater, MA 02324
NJCRS: Inventory of Aftercare Provisions for 52 Boot Camp Programs
"In a survey of existing boot camp programs, commonalities among the
programs were found in the use of strict discipline, physical
training, drill and ceremony, military bearing and courtesy, physical
labour and punishment for minor misconduct. However, some programs
have included treatment programs in addition to the military style of
control. Massachusetts's program, for example, includes substance
abuse therapy, adult basic education and wellness and life skills
training (Ransom & Mastrorilli, 1993). The staff in Massachusetts's
program are called 'drill instructors' and are expected to act as
models, counsellors and agents of behaviour change through positive
reinforcement and support."
John Howard Society of Alberta
"Another aspect of the design to evaluate the validity and efficacy of
substance abuse programming involved site visits to three facilities
that were thought to have unique, extensive, or particularly
innovative substance abuse treatment programs. These three programs
were the Challenge Incarceration Program at Willow River in Minnesota,
the Massachusetts Boot Camp at the Bridgewater Correctional Complex,
and the Lakeview Shock Incarceration Program in New York."
Schaffer Library of Drug Policy
Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: massachusetts + bootcamp OR "boot camp"
I hope this is helpful. If anything is unclear, please request
clarification; I'll gladly offer further assistance before you rate my
Best regards,
pinkfreud |