Clarification of Question by
13 Jun 2004 12:34 PDT
Dear Politicalguru-ga,
>If I understand you correctly, you need undergrad credits on several
>courses of psychology, and prefer to take them online.
Yes. Exactly.
>Why online and not (for example) in correspondence? Most reputable
>online courses would not let you do the course in your pace (even if
>you are taking it online). Therefore, there is no serious gain in
>taking it online vs. taking it as a correspondence course.
The situation is, I need to choose one course from 1, and 2, and
another course from 3-5 to take. Besides, I need to get them done
ASAP. It means that being able to do them in my pace is important. I
wanted to take them online because I thought it would be faster to
send assignments or requests and get feedbacks. However, if any
correspondence courses fit my needs, I'd take them into consideration
as well.
>Would equivalent courses (with similar syllabus) but with different
>titles do? For example, a methodology course instead of "Test and
Yes, it will do so sure.
>Is accreditation/recognition important to you?
It is important for me.
>Should it be an accredited institution, in the U.S? If not U.S., should it be
>approved/rcognised by its government as a degree granting institution?
It doesn't matter whether it is in the U.S. as long as the program is
Below is the weblink of UC Extention Online:
I took Abnormal Psychology and Statistics throught it before. The
program design was just for me since (1) I could take courses in my
pace. (2)The course instructions were very clear.
p.s. I prefer to take courses which are easier since I'm under time
pressure. Thank you!