As this is a "part 2" question, I would prefer that Tox answer it. If
it is still unanswered in 48 hours, someone else may answer.
This is another piece that goes with the quartic fit algorithm. I have
two cords represented as Java double, like this:
double c1 = 10;
double c2 = 20;
I would like a simple method that interpolates 29 cords between c1 and
c2. Then, I would like those cords returned as an array of Java
double, including the first and second cord. This should result in a
double array of length 31, containing evenly spaced cords. Like this:
results[0]= the value of c1
results[1] = interpolated val 1
results[2] = interpolated val 2
results[3] = ... you get the idea ..
results[29] = interpolated val 29
results[30] = the value of c2
Satisfactory results would be sample Java code, or an easily implementable formula.
As usual, a generous tip will be included :)
-LarMan |
Request for Question Clarification by
14 Jun 2004 13:26 PDT
Hi larman,
Thank you very much for the honor of requesting me as your researcher.
I'd be glad to answer this question for you. I have the code for you
but I am not at home, where I would be able to upload it to a seperate
site. Unless you specify otherwise, I will assume that you would
prefer the source uploaded to my own host and linked from this answer
page so that I could take it down once you have it. I will be home in
about 6 hours (7-8 PM PST) so I will be able to give you the answer
then at the very latest. If, however, you would like the code before
then, and don't mind the source being publicly available, I can answer
your question now.