Dear April Moon,
I found only one programme which is absolutely perfect: accredited,
credit-granting, and letting you study in your own pace.
Troy State University Montgomery
Registration Information
Another programmes could do (if there is a problem with this one):
University of Idaho, Independent Study
" Prerequisite: Psyc 101 (Introduction to Psychology), and Biology 102
(General Zoology) or higher. Supplemental CDs required; purchase from
the UI Bookstore. Computer with CD drive required. Internet access
recommended. Available in print or online."
It of course accredited. The problem with this one, if you look at
their FAQ, is that they claim that the programme takes a minimum of 3
months. Now, it could be that they mean, that if a person takes it at
a normal pace, it should take them three months, and it is worth
Ireland and the UK have both a well established and recognised Open
University system. Please note that in Ireland and the UK, it is
rather common to use the term "course" in reference to the whole
course of study (that is, the "degree", the "diplome", etc.), and to
use terms like "unit" or "module" to refer to each part of the course.
In any case, two problems might arise. First, it must be clear that
your advisor would accept these. Second, at least with the Irish
courses, it is not clear if you could take only one course. In
addition, they do mention that you could do the course "at your own
pace", but don't mention how long it takes.
(3) national distance education centre
(4) Open University UK
Biological Psychology: Exploring the Brain
I hope this answered your question. I apologise for the short
offering, but the nature of the coruse requires in many universities a
library; In addition, summer courses have already started in most
institution and registration is therefore closed. Most courses have
minimum time requirement, which is longer than the one you described;
if you'll be able to wait for the fall term (or have a longer course),
there will be more suggestions. Be wary of any other offers - I have a
keen interest in distance education, and am aware that besides those
universities, many "diplom mills" operate out there, without
accreditation. |