Ive found some leads for you:
Exchange and Mart http://www.exchangeandmart.co.uk/ has some Gilera
Runner 50s listed, including a few from private sellers in London and
The Bike Trader section at http://www.autotrader.co.uk/BIKES/ is
searchable by postcode. There were a few Gilera Runner 50s offered by
London sellers. These were mostly recovered stolen machines which
need attention and which are sold as trade, but I did see one private
sale as well.
Admart.co.uk at http://www.ad-mart.co.uk has 2 Gilera Runner SP50
models, both 2001, listed in its motorcycle section. The ads were
placed in April and May of this year. I do not know if the listings
are removed once the items have been sold or if they just stay there.
MCN http://www.motorcyclenews.com in its classified section has a used
Gilera Runner 50 listed as being on sale in Essex, and there are some
others in more distant locations (Derbyshire, Tyne & Wear,
Scootered.co.uk at http://www.scootered.co.uk/ and Scooter Stop at
http://www.scooterstop.co.uk/ are sites for buying and selling
scooters, although no Gilera models are listed currently, while
http://www.motorbikesuk.net/ has Gileras, but not the model you want.
There is also an auction site at http://www.scooter-auctions.co.uk/
This currently only has a Gilera 180 FXR.
You can post a wanted notice on these sites.
My search strategy on Google was: scooters small ads UK
Also, if you search Google for Gilera + dealer + London, the results
at ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&q=Gilera+dealer+London
will retrieve web sites of Gilera dealers. However, not all of these
list their stock, and some do not mention whether they deal in used
scooters. I have added this in case you wish to try some telephone
Best of luck in your search |