I also would be interested in the Clarification requested by czh-ga,
but here are some brief comments.
I'm wondering what the size of your IT group is like. In a larger
group of developers (critical mass, to coin a phrase) the training of
a new recruit in the local traditions can be done at relatively low
cost and minimal disruption/risk to ongoing operations, because
there's almost always someone available to answer basic "how would I
do this" kinds of questions.
In a smaller group, or one which in any case lacks a coherent "local
tradition", the path from being a new recruit to being productive is
frought with risk. Even a very bright talent may be wasted for weeks
at a time in efforts that ultimately contribute little to the critical
business needs, simply because time cannot be found to supervise and
mentor the new recruit.
Naturally some projects would be better suited than others to
absorbing a recent IT graduate, but I think you should be more willing
to hire an experienced consultant if your own pool of senior IT staff
is relatively small.
regards, mathtalk-ga |