Dear tener,
Here is the best data on dog ownership I could locate:
-- Australia --
Estimated Number of Australian Households with Dogs, 2002: 2.8 million
Estimated total Number of Dogs held as Pets, 2002: 3.972 million
-- Japan --
Estimated percentage of Japanese Households with Dogs: 18.3%
Estimated total Number of Dogs held as Pets, 2002: 11.137 million
-- Canada --
Estimated Number of Canadian Households with Dogs, 2002: 3.4 million
Estimated total Number of Dogs held as Pets, 2002: 5.7 million
-- United Kingdom --
Estimated Number of UK Households with Dogs, 2001: 5.3 million
Estimated total Number of Dogs held as Pets, 2002: 6.1 million
-- Italy --
Estimated Number of Italian Households with Dogs, 2004: 4.5 million
Estimated total Number of Dogs held as Pets, 2004: 5.8 million
-- France --
Estimated Percentage of French Households with Dogs, 2002: 27.8%
Estimated total Number of Dogs held as Pets, 2002: 8.8 million
-- Germany --
Estimated Percentage of German Households with Dogs, 2003: 13.3%
Estimated total Number of Dogs held as Pets, 2003: 5 million
Petnet: Pet Ownership In Australia
Japanese Pet Food Manufacturers Association: 2003 National Dog and Cat
Ownership Survey (in Japanese!)
Japanese Pet Food Manufacturers Association (in Japanese!)
Dog Business Digest: October 2002 - The Dog Market
AltaVista: Babelfish Translation
Google Answers: "Number of cat owners - Worldwide", answered by knowledge_seeker-ga
SEBA: Newsletter March/April 2004 Cats claw their way to the top
ASAB: The domestic dog Canis familiaris
Moggies: National Pet Week - United Kingdom
BBC News: Owners 'spend £3.5bn on pets'
Zentralverband Zoologischer Fachbetriebe Deutschlands: Struktur &
Umsatzdaten 2003 (in German!)
Exprimere: Arrivano le vacanze novitą per cani e gatti (in Italian!)
Way Italia: In Viaggio - Cani e gatti possono entrare (in Italian!)
National Assembly of France: Compte rendu No. 46, Mercredi 2 avril
2003 (in French!)
Search terms used:
"million dogs" australia
pets australia census
"Pet Ownership" australia million households
japan "16.7" households dogs
pets japan households dogs
"million dogs" japan
pets canada households dogs
"million dogs" canada
"pet ownership" million dogs canada
"million dogs" "United kingdom"
pets "United kingdom" households dogs
"pet ownership" million dogs "united kingdom"
"million households" dog "united kingdom"
Mintel dogs million households
"4,7 millionen hunde" 2002
"milioni di cani" italia famiglie
"4,5 milioni di famiglie" cani 2002
"4,5 milioni di famiglie" cani
"des menages" millions chiens france 2003
Hope this will be useful!
Best regards,
Scriptor |