Hi crystal4290,
The MS geographical distribution is very complex, with great
variations not only between countries, but within countries as well. I
hope you find the data that I've been able to gather together suitable
to your needs.
The MS Information Sourcebook:
"Epidemiology is the study of disease patterns that takes into account
variations in geography, demographics, socioeconomic status, genetics,
and infectious causes. Epidemiologists contribute to knowledge about
MS by studying the relationships between these factors, as well as
patterns of migration, that may be related to areas with high or low
rates of MS. Epidemiological studies can help to identify factors
that may be related to the risk of developing MS. These factors can
then be studied in greater detail as possible clues to the cause(s) of
A 2002 study estimated that approximately 211,000 Americans suffer
from MS. Older studies suggest that it affects about 1.1 million
people worldwide. The incidence appears to be increasing in women.
"The risk for MS is higher in different regions of the world. In
general, MS is more prevalent in temperate regions than in the
tropics. Specifically, prevalence is highest in northern and central
Europe (except northern Scandinavia), Italy, southern Australia, and
northern regions of North America. Middle-risk areas are southern
Europe (except Italy), southern US, northern Australia, northern
Scandinavia, the Caucasian sections of South Africa, and maybe Central
America. Low-risk areas include parts of Africa and Asia, the
Caribbean, Mexico, and possibly northern South America It is unclear
whether this pattern is attributable to environmental factors,
genetics, or both."
>>>>>>>>>>Estimates per country
MS prevalence data for selected countries:
"Much of the data in the following table is based on estimates by
national MS Societies and others and extrapolations of survey data for
regions within the countries"
Prevalance (PwMS per 100,000):
Argentina 13.6
Australia 63.8
Austria 86.4
Belgium 87.5
Brazil 4.0
Bulgaria 39.3
Canada 111.0
Cyprus 46.7
Czech Republic 97.1
Denmark 112.0
Estonia 51.0
Finland 98.0
France 84.9
Germany 99.0
Greece 46.7
Hong Kong 0.88
Hungary 65.0
Iceland 105.1
Ireland 125.0
Israel 80.4
Italy 88.2
Japan 4.0
Libya 5.9
Luxembourg 94.1
Mexico 8.1
Netherlands 94.9
New Zealand 81.3
Norway 86.4
Poland 77.1
Portugal 50.5
Romania 33.4
South Africa 3.5
Spain 76.7
Sweden 134.8
Taiwan 0.8
Turkey 46.4
UK 143.8
USA 91.7
Zimbabwe 0.45
>>>>>>>>>>More stats
It is estimated that 10,400 people are diagnosed with MS on a yearly
basis, broken down to 200 new instances per week.
Prevalence map of MS (cases/100,000) in the USA:
"In the U.S., MS occurs more frequently in states that are above the
37th parallel than in states below it. From east to west, the 37th
parallel extends from Newport News, VA, to Santa Cruz, CA-running
along the northern border of North Carolina to the northern border of
Arizona and including most of California. The MS prevalence rate for
the region below the 37th parallel is 57 to 78 cases per 100,000
people. The prevalence rate for those above the 37th parallel is 110
to 140 cases per 100,000 people. Nationwide, there are an estimated
250,000 to 350,000 people with MS."
ITALY, Padova December 31, 1999
Crude prevalence: 80.5/100 000
Women: 111.1/100 000
Men: 49.7/100 000
Lifetime prevalence: 2/1,000
Annual incidence: 8/100,000
MacDonald BK, Cockerell OC, Sander JWAS, Shorvon SD. The incidence and
lifetime prevalence of neurological disorders in a prospective
community-based study in the UK. Brain 2000;123:665-76.
ARGENTINA, Patagonia 2002
Prevalence: 17.2/100,000
CANADA: 2002
Prevalence: 500/1,000 across the country
MALTA 1999
Annual incidence: 0.7/100,000
NORWAY 1974-1999
Age-adjusted annual incidence increased from 3.9 to 5.6 per 100,000
Annual incidence: 10-12/100,000
Prevalence: 190-220/100,000
SICILY 1975-1994
Mean annual incidence: 2.3/100,000
Prevalence: 25-75/100,000
>>>>>>>>>>Additional Links of Interest:
Epidemiology and current treatment of multiple sclerosis in Europe today:
World Map of Prevalence of Multiple Sclerosis:
World Distribution Map of Multiple Sclerosis:
Multiple Sclerosis Geographic Distribution:
Multiple Sclerosis Information Sourcebook:
FAQ about MS
Well, there you have it. If you have any questions, or if this hasn't
satisfied your request, please post a clarification request before
closing/rating my answer and I'll be happy to assist you further.
Thank you,
Google Search Terms Used:
united states "annual incidence" multiple sclerosis
germany "annual incidence" multiple sclerosis
netherlands "annual incidence" multiple sclerosis
italy "annual incidence" multiple sclerosis
uk "annual incidence" multiple sclerosis
netherlands "annual incidence" multiple sclerosis
geographical multiple sclerosis
"Multiple Sclerosis International Federation" prevalence
united states "prevalence" multiple sclerosis
germany "prevalence" multiple sclerosis
netherlands "prevalence" multiple sclerosis
italy "prevalence" multiple sclerosis
uk "prevalence" multiple sclerosis
netherlands "prevalence" multiple sclerosis
graph Worldwide Distribution of Multiple Sclerosis
chart Worldwide Distribution of Multiple Sclerosis
prevalence world geography Multiple Sclerosis
prevalence geography Multiple Sclerosis
prevalence Epidemiology Multiple Sclerosis
prevalence MS per 100,000
"PwMS per 100,000"
"Multiple Sclerosis" geography prevalence
united states ms prevalence 2002
Multiple Sclerosis geography statistics "annual incidence"
Multiple Sclerosis global "annual incidence"
"Multiple Sclerosis" geography
"Multiple Sclerosis" geography "annual incidence"
"Multiple Sclerosis" world statistics
Epidemiology Multiple Sclerosis " annual incidence"
I also searched at many medical websites - here are a few:
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Institute of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology
University of Michigan Document Center: Health Statistics
Internationl Journal of Health Geographics
Multiple Sclerosis International Federation
National Library of Medicine
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA)
MS Consortium
The World of Multiple Sclerosis
MedlinePlus: Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis Interactive Tutorial |