Hi trail-ga,
A Google search on Ferdinand Lits didn't result in any hits, so I
suspected there was a little type in the name. Indeed, after a little
bit of trial and error I found that the person you're looking for is
Ferdinand Lips (with a 'p' in stead of a 't'). He's indeed a Swiss
banker who wrote a book on gold.
His most popular book is titled "Gold Wars: The Battle Against Sound
Money As Seen from a Swiss Perspective", subtitled "Foundation for the
Advancement of Monetary Education".
It's 304 pages and the ISBN number is: 0-9710380-0-7
You can buy the book on Amazon for 19.95$:
The book is also available on the Barnes and Noble site for $13.96,
but temporarily out of stock:
Here's a little summary from Fame.org:
"Gold Wars deals with golds history, the gold rushes and the
abandonment of gold-as-money under the modern welfare/warfare state.
It shows how governments, fearing the affinity of free people for
gold, fight it, thereby helping to destroy whole countries along with
the gold mining industry. The book highlights the betrayal of
gold-rich Switzerland. The author condemns gold hedging, gold market
manipulation by governments and bullion banks, fiat money and debt. He
concludes that only a gold standard can return an ailing world economy
to its full potential, reduce unemployment, help restore law and
order, and help to secure peace and freedom for mankind."
A lot more information on the aspects discussed in "Gold wars" can be
found on the Fame site:
Prior to "Gold Wars", Ferdinand Lips wrote some other, less known
books, called "Gold 2000", "Das Buch der Geldanlage" and "Geld, Gold
und die Wahrheit", however there don't seem to be English translations
of these books. The German versions can be found on Amazon.de, however
they are not available at the moment:
The same site also features a brief biography on Mr Lips:
"Born in Switzerland in 1931, Ferdinand Lips, is a well-established
and respected authority on gold and the gold market. His roots are in
banking where he started his career, and became a co-founder and a
managing director of Rothschild Bank AG in Zurich.
In 1987 he opened his own bank, Bank Lips AG, also in Zurich. He
retired in 1998 when he sold his equity interest in the bank. Not
being one to sit around idly, Mr. Lips continues to be very active in
the banking, gold and financial fields. He is on the Board of various
companies, among them African gold mining companies. He is also a
Trustee of the Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Education
(FAME) in New York.
He has written two books previously (Das Buch der Geldanlage in 1981
and Geld, Gold und die Wahrheit in 1991). Gold Wars is his third book
and expresses his views on gold, the gold standard and the gold
exchange standard as well as the various attempts to manipulate gold
and eventually push it aside. As a Swiss, he dedicates an important
part of the book to the events leading up to the partial, but
substantial, sale of Swiss gold reserves.
In his free time, Ferdinand Lips likes to spend time with his two
daughters and the study of history, architecture and philosophy. Mr.
Lips, a firm believer in the gold standard, lives outside of Zurich,
A picture can be found on the "Gold Wars" flyer (PDF format):
Some other books on gold, you might be interested in can be found on
Kind regards,
Search terms used:
"ferdinand" "lits" "lips" "gold" "gold wars" |