Hi drap,
Thank you for an interesting question. Technically both the
Scandinavian Moose and the European Boar can run at a similar speeds,
which is ***about*** 30 to 35mph.
The Wild Boar takes off quickly in a short spurt but cannot maintain the speed.
The Moose can attain the running speed but only for short distances.
The conditions would be under threat of danger, fear, or being hunted.
I've divided my research into two sections - first the Moose and secondly the Boar.
All About Alce's - Moose - Scientific classification: The moose is a
member of the deer family, Cervidae, and is classified as Alces alces.
"The moose is the largest member of the elk family. In Europe, it
lives in forests in Siberia, Sweden, Norway, and the Baltic Region. In
North America it is found in wooded areas of Canada and the northern
United States. The moose is also found in Asia, usually in the colder
northern parts and has been introduced into New Zealand of which it is
not native. A moose reaches maximum size in Alaska."
"Despite their size and ability to attain running speeds of up to 58
km/h (36 mph) for short distances..."
Moose (Alces alces)
"Locomotion: In spite of its huge size and ungainly appearance, an
adult moose can run through a forest at speeds up to thirty-five miles
an hour. Its legs are long, allowing the moose to stand in shallow
water or move easily through even two-foot snowfall. When it does run,
its lifts each leg straight up, making its gait almost comical. But
the weird leg action has its purpose; it allows the animal to lift its
leg easily out of a muddy lake or stream bottom. Their walking stride
is 3.5 to 5.5 feet, but it lengthens to more than 8 feet when they
trot or run. Good swimmers, moose can move through water at speeds of
6 mph for up to 2 hours."
Predators: Moose swim well and run easily even through snow, and they
also possess formidable weapons in their legs and hooves. Few
predators can successfully challenge a healthy, adult moose. Wolves
and bears do prey on the calves and the aged and weak."
"The moose Having come as close to a symbol of Swedish nature as
possible, the King of the Swedish forest; the moose (Moose) deserves
an extra presentation. The moose is common all over Sweden, except for
on Gotland and the in very north. It is the largest deer animal in the
world, 2 metres in height and weighing up to 400-500 kilograms. The
Swedish moose is a close relative to the North American, but usually
does not reach quite the same size. But Sweden has a very large
population with about 100,000 moose shot during hunting every year.
The total population is around 250,000 which makes Sweden the country
with the highest density in the world. Naturally, visitors have a very
good chance seeing one in the wild, and some areas in Sweden have
guided tours for visitors interested in meeting the King of the Forest
where the Halle-Hunneberg area is the most recognised.
The fact that the moose is very common and also a very large animal is
also a great security problem on the Swedish roads. Warning signs are
put up along extra frequent crossovers and, fences protect the main
Moose - alces alces
"Moose can run as fast as 35 mph so it's a good idea to stay out of their way!"
eNature.com - Mammals - Moose Alces alces
"A good swimmer, the Moose can move in the water at a speed of 6 mph
(10 km/h) for a period of up to two hours. At times, the animal may be
completely submerged for many seconds.
"Despite its ungainly appearance, this animal can run through the
forest quietly at speeds up to 35 mph (55 km/h)."
Scientific classification
"The animal Alces alces, called the Elk in Europe or the Moose in
North America, is the largest of all the deer tribe, distinguished
from other members of the Cervidae by the form of the antlers of the
males. These arise as cylindrical beams projecting on each side at
right angles to the middle line of the skull, which after a short
distance divide in a fork-like manner. The lower prong of this fork
may be either simple, or divided into two or three tines, with some
"There is, however, a Scandinavian phase of the Common Elk in which
the antlers are simpler, and recall those of the East Siberian race.
The palmation appears to be more marked in the North American race,
the Moose (Alces alces americanus) than in the typical Scandinavian
elk. The largest of all is the Alaskan race (Alces alces gigas), which
stands 8 ft. in height, with a span of 6 ft. across the antlers."
"Adaptations: Long legs, built for wading through bogs and shallow
lakes, carry the moose easily over deadfall trees or through snow that
would slow down a deer or a wolf. Trotting speed is about 25 km/h, but
when pursued they can travel up to 35km/h. Moose are powerful swimmers
and are quite at home in the water, sometimes diving 5 m or more for
plants growing on the bottom of the lake. Eyesight is very poor but
highly efficient senses of smell and hearing compensate for this."
Moose - alces alces
"Moose are congregating in favorable habitat. Despite its ungainly
appearance, this animal can run through the forest quietly at speeds
up to 35 mph (55 km/h)."
Moose - Alces alces
"The Moose is the largest member of the deer family. They are usually
dark brown in coloration with long hair. They occasionally have a
hairy pendant of skin hanging below their throat. A moose has large
ears and a huge, pendulous muzzle. They have long legs and visible
humps above the shoulders. The most striking feature of the moose are
the antlers (found only in the male moose.) Unlike reindeer antlers,
the antlers of a moose are very broad and flat. The largest recorded
antler spread was over 6 feet wide. On average, they are 4.5 feet.
Moose are excellent swimmers. They can swim at speed up to 6 miles per
Hog Hunting
"General Info - All pigs belong to the family Suidae. In addition to
the domestic species, several species of wild pigs are found on the
Eurasian and African continents. The Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa),
a popular game animal during medieval times, still roams over many
parts of Europe, Asia, and North Africa. The first true pigs were
brought to the United States by Hernando de Sota to the Atlantic Coast
of Florida in 1539. The First "Pure Russian" wild boars were brought
into the USA by Austin Corbin. They were released into a 20,000 acre
enclosure in Sullivan County New Hampshire in 1890."
"There are 23 subspecies of hogs worldwide (most of them warty), but
there is only one species in the US: Sus scrofa. (The family is
Suidae, thus the hog call, "sui".) Just as our countless breeds of
dogs were all derived from the wolf, our varieties of domestic hogs
and their feral relatives were all derived from the Eurasian Wild
Hog Hunting - High Adventure Ranch
I phoned and spoke to the owner of the ranch, who told me wild boar
can run up to 30 - 35 mph, however they run in spurts like a shot out
of a cannon... and they don't keep up the speed. They can run very
fast, but run out of speed quickly.
eHuntingCentral - Tennessee's Wild Hogs
"He's big, he's mean, and can have very sharp 3-4+" tusks. He can be a
hunting hound's worst nightmare. When he's cornered he becomes a
fighting machine with one thought in mind: Fight or Flight. He doesn't
look like nor act like your typical barnyard grain-fed hog. Don't
underestimate a wild hog. They're one of the smartest most illusive
wild game animals to hunt....
I've heard people say "he's Porky Pig on sterioids" and this is a
pretty good description of Tennessee's Wild Boar. For the
scientific-minded folks he's is Sus scrofa, belongs to the
ClassMammalia, Order Artiodactyla (cloven-hooved animals), Suborder
Suiformes, Family Suidae, Genus Sus, Speciesscrofa. Now that's a real
mouthful so folks around East Tennessee just refer to him as a "wild
"For his size, the wild hog is a fast runner and will try to put as
much distance between him and the pack as possible. The wild hog will
try anything to loose that pack of snarling, snapping hounds him and
it's not uncommon for it to take an escape route through very dense
cover, creek beds and branches with water. If the dogs are lucky
enough to catch up with the hog, it will try to back up against a
rock, log, stump or whatever else that can provide protection for it's
backside while it turns to face the pack of dogs."
Bowhunting For Wild Hogs - 2004
"Wild Hogs are always a challenge. They bed down in blow downs, brush
piles, caves, thick brush and other places where they are hidden from
view. They stick tight, too, many a hunter has walked right by them
without a clue that a hog or hogs were nearby. If they do spook and
run they can cover ground nearly as fast as a deer. And of course, if
they decide to charge or fight, they are equipped to do plenty of
Animals - Boar
"Also called WILD BOAR, OR WILD PIG, any of the wild members of the
pig species Sus scrofa, family Suidae. The term boar is also used to
designate the male of the domestic pig, guinea pig, and various other
mammals. The term wild boar, or wild pig, is sometimes used to refer
to any wild member of the Sus genus.
The wild boar--which is sometimes called the European wild boar--is
the largest of the wild pigs and is native to forests ranging from
western and northern Europe and North Africa to India, the Andaman
Islands, and China. It has been introduced to New Zealand and to the
United States (where it mixed with native feral species). It is
bristly haired, grizzled, blackish or brown in colour, and stands up
to 90 cm (35 inches) tall at the shoulder. Except for old males, which
are solitary, wild boars live in groups. The animals are swift,
nocturnal, and omnivorous and are good swimmers. They possess sharp
tusks, and, although they are normally unaggressive, they can be
From earliest times, because of its great strength, speed, and
ferocity, the wild boar has been one of the favourite beasts of the
chase. In some parts of Europe and India it is still hunted with dogs,
but the spear has mostly been replaced with the gun."
keyword search:
running speed scandinavian moose
running speed northern european boar
moose locomotion
boar speed
Alces alces facts
Sus scrofa facts
how fast moose run
how fast boar run
moose speed
boar speed
Best regards,
tlspiegel |