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Q: Cancer Stats and 9/11 ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   1 Comment )
Subject: Cancer Stats and 9/11
Category: Health
Asked by: absoluthil-ga
List Price: $35.00
Posted: 23 Jun 2004 11:54 PDT
Expires: 23 Jul 2004 11:54 PDT
Question ID: 365191
Where can I find local or regional (New York) statistics on reported
cases of different types of cancers over time?  Specifically, I want
to find out if there has been an increased incidence of cancers
(especially thyroid) in the New York City area since 9/11/01.  Also,
has anything been published about links between cancer and the World
Trade Center collapse?

Request for Question Clarification by pinkfreud-ga on 23 Jun 2004 13:20 PDT
I have gathered links to numerous articles related to the medical
aftereffects of the World Trade Center collapse. I can direct you to
an organization that has been established to track the health of
rescue workers, area residents, and individuals who were in the
vicinity at the time. But I have not been able to find precise
statistics for you. The New York State Cancer Registry's most recent
compilation of statistics is for new cancers and deaths in the year

Would the material I've collected be satisfactory as an answer without
the statistics that you seek?

Clarification of Question by absoluthil-ga on 24 Jun 2004 11:35 PDT
Yes, it sounds like the material you've found will be satisfactory.  I
figured the statistics might be too recent to have been compiled yet. 
But please give me the website/contact info for the New York State
Cancer Registry so that I can check in the future for more recents
stats.  Thanks.
Subject: Re: Cancer Stats and 9/11
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 24 Jun 2004 13:25 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
As I mentioned, the New York State Cancer Registry, which is a
division of the New York State Department of Health, maintains
statistics on the incidence of cancers that occur in the state.
Breakdowns of the statistics by county, by city, and even by
neighborhood within New York City are available. However, the
processing of data is such that recent figures (including those
subsequent to 9-11-2001) are not yet included.

Here are some pages you may want to examine, and bookmark for future updates:

 The New York State Cancer Registry

"Cancer is one of the most common chronic diseases in New York State,
and is second only to heart disease as the leading cause of death.
Each year, almost 90,000 New Yorkers are diagnosed with cancer. The
New York State Cancer Registry is pleased to provide cancer statistics
through this Web page.

The most recent data available is for new cancers and deaths for 2000." 

New York State Cancer Registry

 The Cancer Surveillance Improvement Initiative 

"The Cancer Surveillance Improvement Initiative (CSII) began in 1998.
It is designed to answer questions of many New Yorkers about the
cancer incidence in their communities. It provides maps of cancer
incidence; maps of risk factors, including environmental information,
also will be produced. CSII also provides information on cancer, its
possible causes and how to interpret maps and graphs."

New York State: Cancer Surveillance Improvement Initiative

 The World Trade Center Health Registry

"The WTC Health Registry is a comprehensive and confidential health
survey of those most directly exposed to the events of 9/11. Those who
enroll will answer a 30-minute telephone survey about where they were
on 9/11 and will be asked to report the status of their health. This
will allow health professionals to compare the health of those most
exposed to the events of 9/11 with the health of the general

We will share all findings from the health registry so that people can
make informed decisions about their health. The New York City
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will post quarterly reports on
this Web site. Check back for regular updates. Findings will be shared
with health professionals who are conducting more specific studies
about particular groups of people who were affected by 9/11. Doctors
and medical providers will be informed of new health findings."
World Trade Center Health Registry: Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can access the reports that have been issued so far:

World Trade Center Health Registry: Quarterly Reports

More info on the registry:

New York City Department of Health: Press Release


Several reports on the health and environmental effects of the WTC
disaster are available in .pdf document form from EHP Online, the
Internet version of Environmental Health Perspectives, published under
the auspices of the Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).

Here is a sample report:

EHP Online: Health and Environmental Consequences of the World Trade
Center Disaster

To find other EHP publications on this subject, click this link, then
scroll downward after the results appear:

NIEHS search string: "world trade center"

Results are displayed in groups of ten. To see the next group of ten,
click the blue arrow in the bottom right corner of the results page.

If the search string I've prepared and linked above does not function,
you can perform a search on the EHP homepage. In the white box that
says 'Enter Keywords', type the desired search terms, such as 'world
trade center':

EHP Online


Below are links to news articles and essays related to the health
impact of 9/11. Not all of these make specific reference to cancer,
but all are concerned with the medical consequences of the World Trade
Center collapse.


New York Daily News: 9/11 toll still grows 

New York Daily News: Clear the air from 9/11

New York Daily News: 1,700 sue over 9/11 sickness 


New York Post: SEPT. 11 AIR WAS 'TOXIC'

CBS News: Health Woes Plague 9/11 Rescuers

MSNBC/Newsweek: 'Significant Adverse Effects'

Gotham Gazette: World Trade Center Health Registry

Downtown Express: E.P.A. panel considers its next step

WTOP Radio: Report Summarizes Health Effects of 9/11

New Scientist: Toxic chemicals released from World Trade Center wreckage

About Rare Diseases: Experts Disagree on Asbestos Risk in NYC



Google search strategies:

Google Web Search: "health" + "world trade center OR wtc"

Google Web Search: "cancer" + "9/11" + "new york city"

Google Web Search: "cancer" + "world trade center OR wtc"


I hope this information will be helpful. If anything is unclear, or if
a link doesn't work for you, please request clarification; I'll be
glad to offer further assistance before you rate my answer.

Best wishes,
absoluthil-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $10.00
Thanks!  This information is really helpful.  It looks like the
statistics just aren't out there yet, but now I'm aware of some
resources where I can check back for them in the future.

Subject: Re: Cancer Stats and 9/11
From: pinkfreud-ga on 25 Jun 2004 10:46 PDT
Thank you very much for the five-star rating and the generous tip!


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