Hello heinz-ga,
In light of your comment, I will post my answer. I want to tell you
everything I've found, and hopefully that will help you.
At the end, I will provide links to all of the web pages I've
consulted. Most of these web pages are in German -- I have translated
portions as well as I can. Ich habe von April 2001 bis Juni 2002 in
Deutschland gewohnt, also kann ich etwas Deutsch (I lived in Germany
from April 2001 to June 2002, so I know some German). In general, the
information you are seeking will most likely be in German, or come
from people in Germany, so hopefully you know some German too.
Karl Ewald Olszewski was born in 1884 in Czernowitz, Ukraine, and died
in 1965 in München (Munich). He seems to have studied in Paris and
Munich. His most well-known work is a book entitled "Der
Kriegs-Struwwelpeter: Lustige Bilder und Verse" ["Shockheaded Peter in
Wartime: Humorous Pictures and Poetry"] (München, Holbein-Verlag,
1915), a propagandistic work published a year into World War I.
More recently, there have been at least two collections of prints of
Olszewski works. One is a book called "Heimwärts, Kunstdruck"
("Homewards, Art Prints") (Stiebner, München, [date unknown to me]).
The other is a "Kunstmappe" ("Art Folder") (Das Gemälde Cabinett
Unger, München, around 1990).
The description of the Kunstmappe indicates that it contains the
"typical bird motifs" of Olszewski -- in this instance, mostly of
swans. Likewise, Auktionshaus Karlheinz Kaupp in Stauffen offered a
color etching of a flying swan and described it as a "typical motif"
for Olszewski. (Curiously, they call him an "Austrian" painter; I
don't think this is correct.) And if you hurry, you can see a
postcard of Olszewski's "Jagende Seeadler" ("Hunting Sea Eagle"),
being offered for the next half-day on ebay.de by the seller
"indianheart" from Hannover, Germany.)
As you may have noticed, Olszewski is strongly associated with Munich.
So if you want to get further information on Olszewski and his works,
Munich is probably the best place to look. In particular, you might
wish to look at his collections of Kunstdruck, or contact the
There may also be some information in Bonn. A web page of the
Turm-Galerie-Bonn refers to two catalogs from 1942 and 1943 that
include works by Olszewski.
In my initial comment, I provided links to the two Olszewski paintings
that were sold recently. One is entitled "Höckerschwäne" ("Mute
Swans"), which is described as a framed 'Aquarell über Blei auf
Papier' (watercolor over pencil on paper), and which sold for DM 5200
in April 2001. (The name of the auction house is unclear; it appears
to be called Kuball or Schopmann and to be located in Poznan, Poland.)
The other is entitled "Reiher auf einem Fels im Nebel" ("Herons on a
Rock in Fog"), which is a framed 'Öl auf Leinwand' (oil on canvas),
and which sold at Van Ham Kunstauktionen, Köln (Cologne), in April
2000 for DM 4,000.
(Another Olszewski work was apparently sold at auction in October
1999, by the Auktionshaus Michael Zeller in Lindau, but there is no
information online about the particular work or the sale price.)
So, if your painting is the original and if the sale prices are a good
guide, then it could be worth something like 2000 or 2500 Euros. But
you might want to check with these auction houses to see if they can
give you a better idea about the painting's authenticity and value.
(Presumably, you would want to sell the painting in Germany, or at
least to someone from Germany, to get the highest value.)
One final note: There may be increased interest in the subject of the
Haubentaucher (great crested grebe), since this bird was named "Vogel
des Jahres" ("Bird of the Year") in 2001 by the German nature
protection association NABU. While there is a new Bird of the Year
for 2002, many people in Germany might remember last year's publicity
for the Haubentaucher.
- justaskscott-ga
Web pages consulted --
"Schöne Bücher - herrliche Zeiten - glückliche Kinder? : Illustrierte
Kinderbücher aus dem Kaiserreich" (Aug. 24, 2001)
Universitäts-Bibliothek Augsburg
"Kinderbücher, AutorInnen N-Z"
Versandantiquariat O. Schlick
"16. Antiquaria Ludwigsburg" (under "Hans Kümmerle")
"Der Struwwelpeter" (Nov. 4, 2001)
Der Homepage von Birgit Köhler
"Der Kriegs-Struwwelpeter; / lustige Bilder und Verse von Karl Ewald
Prints & Photographs (P&P) Online Catalog
American Memory: Historical Collections for the National Digital
Library of Congress
"Heimwärts, Kunstdruck von K.E. Olszewski"
"Heimwärts, Kunstdruck von K.E. Olszewski"
"Karl Ewald Olszewski - Kunstmappe"
riru zShop
"Gerahmte Druckgraphik" (number 2049)
Auktionshaus Karlheinz Kaupp
"Karte Jagende Seeadler / K. E. Olszewski - Artikelnummer 2117838651"
"Datenbank Rheinisch-Westfällischer Künstler der letzten 150 Jahre"
"Auktion 6011: Gemäldeauktion: Olszewski, Karl Ewald"
"Olszewski, Karl Ewald, Reiher auf einem Fels im Nebel"
Van Ham Kunstauktionen
"Olszewski, Karl Ewald: 2000"
Deutsche Auktionsergebnisse Malerei und Grafik
"Artists index of the 62. art auction, October 1999"
Auktionshaus Michael Zeller
"Haubentaucher Vogel des Jahres 2001" (Oct. 20, 2000)
3Sat Online
German-English Dictionary
Search terms used on Google and Alltheweb:
"karl ewald olszewski"
"k.e. olszewski"
"ke olszewski"
"olszewski karl"
"olszewski k.e."
"olszewski ke"
haubentaucher "vogel des jahres" |