"The Exquisite Pain" episode is officially called "La Douleur Exquise."
From the Sex and the City Soundtrack page:
#24. 2-12 la douleur exquise!
unknown song 2
Scene: Carrie visits Big while wearing her cap and crop.
unknown song 1
Scene: Stanford undresses to get in a club.
"The Rockafeller Skank" by Fatboy Slim, from the album You've Come a Long Way, Baby
"Anna" by Gunnar Madsen, from the album: Spinning World: 13 Ways of
Looking at a Waltz
More details at: Sex and the City Soundtrack page
Also see Gunnar Madsen's web page for clips of "Anna":
The last episode of Season 2, "Friends with an Ex," is offically
called "Ex and the City."
#30. 2-18 ex and the city
"El Loco!" by La Esperanza
"Tempest" by Jesse Cook
"Cara Mia" by La Esperanza
"Love & Lust" by La Esperanza
"The Way We Were" by Barbra Streisand
"La Punta" by La Esperanza
More details at: Sex and the City Soundtrack page
Clips from the La Esperanza album are available at Towerrecords.com:
search strategy:
" song listings" "Sex and the city"
I hope this helps. I notice that a couple of pieces in "La Douleur
Exquise" are listed as unknown. I hope those weren't the ones that
you're seeking, but if they are, let me know, and I'll see if there's
anything else out there on this. Thanks. |