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Q: Leg pain nobody finds the cause ( No Answer,   2 Comments )
Subject: Leg pain nobody finds the cause
Category: Health > Conditions and Diseases
Asked by: katharina-ga
List Price: $200.00
Posted: 28 Jun 2004 06:18 PDT
Expires: 28 Jul 2004 06:18 PDT
Question ID: 367213
I am a 40 year old women 50kg 164 cm tall, I have so much problems
with one leg. Please find me a clinic or hospital who can treat me. As
it comes to an unbearable point. I come from Germany and immigrated
1988, I will write down my whole health story (sorry)
When I was 2 I had an epileptic seizure and was on a Tablett called
Zentropil until I was 12 years old. But I only had this 1 seizure when
I was 2years.
My first leg pain started when I was 16 years but in both legs. I felt
it was because of the pill and never took it again. I had a lot of
times swollen ankles. I always thought it was my veins and I treated
myself with horse chestnut, kompressions circulation tabletts,
painkillers, I alwayes complaint to the doctors and they used to say
that I was to young to have circulation problems. So this went on for
quite some years. In the meantime because I thaught I have a vein
Problem I went to a surgeon in Canada and got some veins injected,
really this helped for a while, but I also remember that where it
hurts now I really felt the  given needle with saline hurt me alot
like a very deep hurt.I had it done 2x in each leg maybe 5 injections
I have to teenage children now.  With age 27 I developed a anxiety and
depression disorder and it took quit some years to find out the right
medication. Now I take Wellbutrin 150 mg. 2 x day and Clonazepam when
needed.It works pretty good. This is a family inherited problem. My
Dad and my 2 Brothers as well.About 10 years ago I startet running and
for the first time in my life my legs didnt bother me anymore. I
startet to run 7 km everyday at least,after maybe 3 years of running 
I startet out to get pain in my left leg behind my knee. I startet to
wear knee thing but the pain was getting to much. I went to a Sports
Doctor and he said I should to Physio. Which I did, they said thad I
had very loose ankles and I have to strenghten them. I did not had a
zyst but they told me it could be scare tissue from running. They did
some electro things (sorry) Finally the pinpointet pain was gone but I
felt when I was running to much I feel it.So I did not run much
anymore. My doctor had noticed a mitral valve prolapse and told me
recently that it is gone. I have a very healthy eating lifestyle, I
think. Because I always had pain in my legs, I was always interested
to do something about it, and even took courses on natural nutrition
and so on. 2 years ago after standing a full day I realized in the
evenning that 1 leg was doble size and the doctor made a ultrasound  I
had a blood clot in my left leg just a little under where it still
hurts, my doctor put me on warfarin and always said that I need quit
alot in order to achieve normal blood picture sorry I dont know if
blood picture ist the right word. The blood clot was in a superficial
vein and he told me that there is no harm. But it hurt very much. So
he gave me celebrex and this helped for the moment I was taking it.
But in all this time I always had problems with my legs, and we did an
MRI I think just of the head and they told me the only thing they
could see is inflammed nerve endings this is it. I had checked if I
had a Zyst, I took amitriptilin when they send me to the neurologist
and it didnt help,I got checked for LUpus, MS, Diabetic,Rheuma, like
everything even X ray, I have a very good doctor and he is really
trying to help but no answer. I also dont have backproblems. So now my
left leg is a little bit different then the other one. I also have
been confirmed from a Sports doctor that this is not the problem. The
only thing which only got confirmed verbaly was that I have a 1 inch
growth in the back of my upper leg but it supposed to be harmless and
lots of people have it. The knee is a little bigger on the side on
days when it really hurts and my calf too. I called a chronic
paintreatment center in Germany and they said that they would probably
do  a continuos obstruction of N. ischiadicus with catheder but this
would be for the pain but I realy would like to know the cause. My
pain is controllable with celebrex 2x a day but my leg feels numb and
I kind of walk out of comfort more on the outer side of my foot. I
would love to find a clinic where they can check me throug and throuhg
as I went to all the specialist do you have any suggestions where I
could go in Canada . If you would find  a Ohip covered clinic that
would be great but I would also go into a private the main thing this
is getting solved as it really hurt so much. Or if you can tell me
what this could be. I would  go into a
clinic for complete evaluation  and treatment of my health. Your help
is very much appreciated
Kind Regards
ps. I wont be available from Juli first to Juli 5.
Thank you

Request for Question Clarification by tox-ga on 28 Jun 2004 23:35 PDT
Hi katharina,

I'm very sorry to hear of the pain you are in.  I will do my very best
to come up with some solutions for you and I hope you feel much better

It would really help me if you could give me some specific information.
a)  Which city in Ontario do you live in?  What is the closest public hospital?
b)  You mentioned that you have been to all the specialists.  Did you
mean all the specialists in Germany or Canada?  If you have been to
all the specialists in Ontario, what exactly are you looking for? 
Sports clinics in Canada that specialize in your kind of injury, or a
clinic/doctor who could evaluate all aspects of your health?
c)  Are you currently on any painkillers (for example, codeine)?


Clarification of Question by katharina-ga on 29 Jun 2004 04:07 PDT
Hello tox-ga,

first thank you for your compassion. I live in Burlington Ontario
close to Toronto. The closest public hospital would be Joseph Brant
Hospital in Burlington, and Oakville Travalgar Hospital in Oakville.I
have been to most specialist in this surrounding as I live here for 16
years already.
I am basicaly looking for a Doktor who can say that he can find the
cause and treat my problem.Or I would like to go to a good hospital
who is  willing to find out what it is. Beeing hospitalized until they
find the problem would be the best solution. If there is no public
institution like this a private clinic for example like (Mayo or Maya
in the USA)
Because I dont know if this problem is a Sportsproblem or
Neurological, or a Venous Disease it is so difficult to go to the
right doctor thats why I thought a clinic or hospital would be good. I
have to find out the cause so I know how I can get treatet. But who
could find out the cause? See if they tell me that they want to
paralize a Nerv I should know first if this is the cause otherwise
this nerve is paralized for nothing. I am taking daily 2 x Celebrex
for the pain.
Thanks so much for your help

Request for Question Clarification by tox-ga on 29 Jun 2004 14:00 PDT
Hi kathrina,

You mentined that you "also have been confirmed from a Sports doctor
that this is not the problem."  So, you have recently been to a sports
doctor who said there was nothing wrong with your leg in terms of
muscles and joints?  This would narrow the cause of your pain to
venous or neurological sources, no?

Also, I am interested in your family doctor's involvement in your
problem so far.  What has he/she recommended to you?


Clarification of Question by katharina-ga on 29 Jun 2004 20:07 PDT
Yes, I saw a sports doctor for 10 minutes and after I had to walk on
my heels and down the hall and bending my leg he said that this will
remain a mystery he also said that it is weird that my back of the
knee is so tender. He didnt say that there was nothing wrong with my
muscels and joints he said it is a mystery and I should keep on taking
the painkiller.My family Doctor is also out of answers but he do
guesses that it is a neurological disease. He told me to take Vitamin
B in high doses and iron. But like I said he just guesses to as he
send me to a lot of spezialist.I wish I could narrow it down. My leg
feels cold it swells and sometimes no feeling and hurt in the back of
my knee. I did not had a leg scan so I think this maybe would help
also this growth on the back of my upper leg seems weird to me.
Thanks for your help

Request for Question Clarification by tox-ga on 30 Jun 2004 16:47 PDT
Hi Katharina,

I have made some inquiries on your behalf and I should have something
ready for you very soon.

If you could recount the specialists you have visited for this problem
thus far, that would be helpful.  Also, what became of this old blood
clot?  Is it possible that it still exists?


Clarification of Question by katharina-ga on 30 Jun 2004 19:51 PDT
Hello tox-ga

Thank you for your research so far,  I will be gone from Juni 3l to
Juli 4. Just in case you wanted to get in touch with me.The specialist
I have seen so far was a Sportsdoctor sorry (Orthopaedie)   last week
he was the one who said it will remain a mysery

        A Neurologist    about 6 Years ago he gave me Amitripthilin   

        A Rheumatologist about 6/7 Years ago everyting was fine
        I had X Ray      8 years ago nothing
        Cardiologist     8 years ago everything everything was fine
        4 to 5 Ultrasounds this year with no result
        I had an MRI about the same time and they said that my nerv endings in
        my brain where inflammed but did not know why (just my guess maybe from
        the pain or because of my familys history of depression)
        My Family doctor also has a preventive heart clinic and he put me on a 
        bike and put electrothingis on me, he said the circulation is fine. 
        This was about 4 weeks ago.
        I had my blood testet several times no Cholesterol the only thing my 
        doctor said was that the white blood count was low. That was also   
        4 weeks ago.
        About 12 years ago I went to a surgeon and he injected the veins with 
        saline.(Because thats what I thought was the problem even though I 
        dont have varikose veins. Just like a little but normal I guess. It 
        got better for a little while. One spezific injection  hurt me a 
        and this was actually on my bad leg spot. In this area I also developed
        a blood clott 2 years ago. My doctor said it is still there but very 
        small and it is in  supervisual vein (I think it means surface vein) 
        and therefore this shouldnt be the problem. Before my bloodclot it was 
        very important to exersise and my running kept pain away for quiet some
        This is all the spezialist I went to and in between some hospital 
        visits because of pain and they gave me heparin injection helped for 1 
        to 2 days. 
        Dear Tox-ga thanks for your help I really appreciate, must sound very 
        Take care

Clarification of Question by katharina-ga on 11 Jul 2004 03:40 PDT
Hello Tox-ga

Did you find something?

Request for Question Clarification by tox-ga on 12 Jul 2004 01:34 PDT
Hi Katharina,

I sincerely apologize that I have not yet been able to come up with a
substantive answer for you.  The responses to a number of inquiries I
have made have been merely to stick to what your family doctor says,
which is of no help to you.  One person suggested seeing an
orthopaedic surgeon, though that would not help if your problem was

I have opened this question up to any other researcher who feels they
may be able to provide a useful answer.

I will continue to work on your problem and keep you updated on
anything I can find.


Clarification of Question by katharina-ga on 12 Jul 2004 04:27 PDT
Sorry tox-ga

I wrote in the wrong colum. I will try the suggestions from the
researcher. This is really very nice of you. Thanks for your hard
work. I dont know if I should leave the question open or pay now.

Do you think I should wait? I definitley will pay but I dont know who
if there are more people  who will answer !!!

This is a little embarassing sorry to write you this, but I already
asked google home. You do not have to answer this question.Okay (-:

Request for Question Clarification by umiat-ga on 26 Jul 2004 12:01 PDT
Hello, katharina-ga!
 I have looked over your question several times since you posted it. I
can understand your desperation. Since your question is due to expire
in two days, I wanted to know if there is any way I can offer some
 Have you ever seen a vascular specialist, or a phlebotomist? I know
you have been to general practice doctors and sports medicine
physicians, but I am speaking specifically about a center dealing with
vascular disorders. The fact that you have found a bit of relief over
the years with exercise and saline injections (though temporary) lends
a bit of credence to the fact that you might have a vascular disorder
that needs attention. The swelling can also be an indicator.
 * I can certainly provide an overview of some disorders that cause
swelling of the legs (specifically in one leg).
 * I can also provide some references to vascular specialists in the
Toronto area. A specialist who can perform the proper testing to
either rule out, or confirm, vascular problems in the legs seems to be
a good first choice.
 * You also say you have been to a neurologist in the past. Did the
neurologist seem to indicate that this might be a neurological
 * Have you ever had ultrasound of the legs? (I know you mentioned you
have had 4-5 ultrasounds this year, but were they of the legs?)

 Would you be interested in an overview of possible causes as well as
references to vascular specialists as an answer to your question?
Please let me know so that I can try to provide some information
before your question expires on Wednesday.

There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Leg pain nobody finds the cause
From: sarahm19-ga on 11 Jul 2004 20:15 PDT
I'm so sorry! God Bless you! I have only a small bit of info but I'll
give you what I know: I have a severe hamstring tear (it has reopened
10 times in the last 5 months) and I have seen 6 doctos and they have
given me such contradictory answers. My point is keep trying. The
sports doctor may not have done a very good inspection, like mine. The
back of your knee has many components....the hamstring muscle splits
to the sides and the knee (see this but the knee has many
components that may be bothering you as well. If your calf area is
hurting it may be a problem connected to your hamstring like mine
because the hamstring muscle is so long and attaches at the calf and
at the butt, and it pulls those areas it is attached to. It may be a
muscular problem. I say go to an orthopedic and also to a
chiropractor, preferably one who is a sports chiro. To increase the
blood flow my suggestions are vioxx, ginger and turmeric. Take care, I
wish you healing!
Subject: Re: Leg pain nobody finds the cause
From: katharina-ga on 12 Jul 2004 04:19 PDT
Hello sarahm19-ga

How nice of you to write me such good information. Thank you very much
for your blessing. God bless you too!!!
Kind Regards

Answer to tox-ga

Thank you for your hard work. You do not have to apologize for
anything, I am very happy so far.
Kind Regards

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