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Marketing to gays
Category: Relationships and Society > Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Asked by: reviewagent-ga List Price: $5.00 |
29 Jun 2004 12:44 PDT
Expires: 29 Jul 2004 12:44 PDT Question ID: 367810 |
I would like some statistics to support the claim that businesses should market to gays and lesbians. Can you provide me with information about average income, spending power, early adopter status, etc. |
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Re: Marketing to gays
Answered By: googlenut-ga on 29 Jun 2004 19:42 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hello reviewagent-ga, The following reports and articles provide statistics related to marketing to gays and lesbians, which include data such as average income, spending power and early adopter status. Forrester Research Gays Are The Technology Early Adopters You Want (Note: Registration is required to read the full report. Registration as a Guest is free.) http://www.forrester.com/ER/Research/Brief/Excerpt/0,1317,17004,00.html ?Gay men and women have the technology attitudes and demographics that marketers dream about. Gays are among the first to adopt new devices and online tools, making them prime targets for digital marketing as well as emerging technologies like TiVo.? --- ?The average household income for gay people is $61,300 compared with $56,900 for heterosexuals (see Figure 1). The income gap for men is negligible -- but gay women earn $6,600 a year more than straight women do. Nineteen percent of both gay men and women have post-graduate degrees, compared with 14% of heterosexual men and 12% of heterosexual women.? --- ? Eighty percent of gay men and 76% of lesbians are online, compared with 70% of straight men and 69% of straight women. And they're bandwidth-hungry: Wired gays are one-third more likely to have broadband than their heterosexual peers. Gays, in fact, were among the earliest Internet adopters: 29% have been online more than seven years, versus 18% of heterosexuals.? Wilde Marketing Pink Dollars http://www.wildemarketing.com/pink_dollars.html ?Recent U.S. research has demonstrated: 84% of gays and lesbians hold a valid passport vs national average 29% U.S. 94% of gays and lesbians would go out of their way to purchase products and services marketed directly to them. (Source:Greenfield Research & Kinsey Report) 21% of gays and lesbians report household income that surpasses $100,000 per year. (Source: Simmons Market Research Bureau) 58% of the gay and lesbian community members hold management positions. (Source: Simmons Market Research Bureau) 70% of gays and lesbians have at least a college education and work in professional and managerial jobs. (Source:Greenfield Research & Kinsey Report) 79% of gays and lesbians agree that it is important for them to work in a gay/lesbian-friendly environment (Source: Greenfield Research & Kinsey Report) 62% own a personal computer (Source: Mulryan/Nash Study) The purchasing power of gay and lesbian U. S. adult consumers pink dollars exceeded $450 billion in 1999 (Source: DiversityInc.com)? Opus Comm Group, Inc Selected highlights of the 2001 Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census ?"A Syracuse University, OpusComm Group, GSociety Study" http://opuscommgroup.com/GayLesbianConsumerHabits.html ?GLBT Household Income Men Women Under $30K 12% 20% $30K - $69,999 37% 41% $70K - $99,999 22% 20% $100K+ 29% 16%? Foxnews.com Does Spending Power Buy Cultural Acceptance? Tuesday, September 16, 2003 By Robin Wallace http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,97293,00.html ?According to the most recent research, gays comprise a $350 billion market fiercely loyal to brands that advertise directly to them. Gays are twice as likely to have graduated from college, twice as likely to have an individual income over $60,000 and twice as likely to have a household income of $250,000 or more. They are essentially an untapped consumer market that corporate America can no longer ignore.? Gay Buying Power Estimated at $485 Billion in 2003 Witeck-Combs Communications and MarketResearch.com Update 2003 Analysis http://www.witeckcombs.com/show.news.asp?id=193&format=pdf Reaching the 450 Billion Dollar Gay and Lesbian Market http://www.mzinc.biz/clinic_12_ar01.asp Coming Out In Print - industries seek out gay consumers American Demographics, Feb 1, 2003 http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m4021/is_1_25/ai_96734623 News Room http://opuscommgroup.com/NewsRoom.html The Myth of Gay Affluence Why does the world think we?re so well off? And how is it hurting us that they do? by John W. Stiles http://www.outsmartmagazine.com/issue/i04-01/myth.html I hope you have found this information helpful. If you have any questions, please request clarification prior to rating the answer. Googlenut Google Search Terms: marketing gays income ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=marketing+gays+income gays OR homosexuals "buying OR spending power" ://www.google.com/search?q=gays+OR+homosexuals+%22buying+OR+spending+power%22&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&safe=off&start=10&sa=N |
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Re: Marketing to gays
From: elcapitanprecio-ga on 06 Sep 2004 15:36 PDT |
The Wall Street Journal ran an article about this earlier in 2004, and I have subsequently done a market sizing analysis to veryify the results. Interestingly, based on numerous surveys since the 1970s, the "10% gay population" number turns out to be an urban legend. That said, even 4% is a large number in a country of nearly 300MM, so this is a market definitely worth watching and learning more about. The way that "gay" is defined affects the numbers significantly. If gay = "any sexual encounter w/ the same sex," the numbers are roughly 2-3x higher (8-10%). If gay = "sustained proclivity for and engagement in sexual encounters with the same sex," then gay hovers b/w 2-4%. The most recent and thorough studies were done in the early nineties. They found that the percent gay (U.S.) was between 1-4%. The following charts some of the most prominent studies since 1970. Given your querey, you probably know that the sciences of statistics and demographics have led to dramatic improvement in polling accuracy in the last few decades, much to the delight of marketers (see below, WSJ). Kinsey-NORC 1970 ? 8.2% M, 4.3% F after age 15 Bell/Weinberg 1970 ? < 2% total M and F (ratings of siblings) Cameron/Ross 1975-78 ? 3.1% M, 3.9% F FRI 1983 ? 5.4% M, 3.6% F (4,340 respondents) FRI-Dallas 1984 ? 10.7% M, 7.4% F after age 12 MacDonald 1988 ? 2% total M and F (> 5,500 college student respondents, Canada)Trocki 1988-89 ? 3% M, 2% F NCHS 1988-91 ? 3.5% M since 1977 (over 50,000 respondents) RTI-Dallas 1989 ? 7.6% M, 2.7% F since 1978 GSS 1989 ? < 6.3% M after age 17 GSS 1990 ? 4.8% M after age 17 Catania/NABS 1992 ? 2% M, 2% F (4% in urban areas; 10,600 respondents) Billy/Battelle 1993 ? 1.1% M Billy/Guttmacher 1993 ? 2.3% M in last 10 years Because marketers are in the business of knowing exactly how many of what types of people are in the market, they pay a lot for precise demographic information gleaned from studies. To wit, this from the Wall Street Journal: Current U.S. population: 290MM Projected gay population: 14MM Percent gay: 4.8% ("Viacom Plans a Gay Channel, But the Reception Isn't Clear," WALL STREET JOURNAL , March 29, 2004; Page B1 , By JOE FLINT ) GAY CLOUT Gay and lesbians, a demographic segment with hefty spending clout, are tuning in: ? Estimated U.S. population: 14 million ? Average household income: $61,300 ? Spending power: $400 billion to $475 billion annually ? Favorite shows*: 'Will & Grace' (NBC); 'Queer as Folk' (Showtime); 'Six Feet Under' (HBO); 'Trading Spaces' (TLC) *Of 8,000 surveyed, before 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' became a hit Sources: Forrester Research; Prime Access; OpusComm Group; Syracuse University Last, here is an interesting site from a gay advocacy organization in the UK that's fairly straight forward: www.avert.org/hsexu1.htm Good luck, and best wishes. |
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