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Bush = final president
Category: Reference, Education and News > Current Events Asked by: shikibobo-ga List Price: $2.00 |
29 Jun 2004 14:50 PDT
Expires: 29 Jul 2004 14:50 PDT Question ID: 367877 |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: Bush = final president
From: pinkfreud-ga on 29 Jun 2004 15:08 PDT |
Here's one such statement: "President G.W. Bush became President of the United States in January 2001. In addition to Ezra 6:15 stating the completion of the house is on the 3rd day of Adar, it also says in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king. The term, Darius, is a title used by whoever happened to be in power at the time. In the United States it would be the same as the title, "President." Since G.W. Bush became President in January 2001, at the start of the 7 year tribulation, the 6th year of his term would begin in January 2006! It is our belief that he will probably win the next election and be the last President in history before the appearing of Jesus Christ!" Eighth Day Assembly Ministries http://members.cox.net/8thday/tatnai.html And another: "And might it briefly be mentioned that this is equally what we see in Yahweh's testimony regarding the mark of the beast 7 American Presidents who died in office at 20-year election intervals, plus the two following Presidents, making a total of 9. Reagan, the eighth, was shot, yet survived the attack, defeating the death cycle. George W. Bush was the ninth and final President in this cycle, and his election will undoubtedly see the return of the Son of God to set up His kingdom upon this earth. Thus we see that at the completion of this Divine gestation period of 9 Presidents at 20 year intervals, the offspring of the Son of Man will be brought forth." The Remnant Bride Online Bible Study http://www.remnantbride.com/theissue2/theissue2.11.html |
Re: Bush = final president
From: kriswrite-ga on 29 Jun 2004 15:14 PDT |
While such speculations might be interesting, remember that Jesus said no one will know the day or the hour of his second coming (Mat. 24:36): http://www.biblegateway.com/cgi-bin/bible?passage=MATT+24&language=english&version=NIV&showfn=on&showxref=on Kriswrite |
Re: Bush = final president
From: pinkfreud-ga on 29 Jun 2004 15:19 PDT |
Despite the clear statement of the Bible that no one will know the exact time of Christ's return, date-setters and doom-sayers seem always to be with us. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that some 18th Century preacher predicted that George Washington would be the final President of the United States. |
Re: Bush = final president
From: kriswrite-ga on 29 Jun 2004 15:23 PDT |
There's no doubt that you're right, Pink! Kriswrite |
Re: Bush = final president
From: corwin02-ga on 29 Jun 2004 16:10 PDT |
and according to the 'heavens gate' we were obliterated 4 years ago |
Re: Bush = final president
From: pugwashjw-ga on 30 Jun 2004 08:41 PDT |
If President Bush does become the last President, the implication is that a new form of governmental power may replace his political system. Just being replaced by another President would mean that the present system goes on. The prophecy in the Bible at Daniel chapter 4 indicates that God removed his protection from his chosen nation of Israel [ because of their failure to obey His laws and of their worship of other false gods] in 607 BCE when they were captured and put into slavery in Babylon. This was referred to as " the appointed times of the nations" or " the times of the gentiles" [ Luke 21;24 King James version]. Seven times would pass before Jesus was appointed Ruler over the Kingdom and/or government to come [ Matthew 6;9,10..let your Kingdom come...] A time, [ 1 time ] and times [ 2 times ] and half a time [ Revelation 12;6,14] total 1260 days. So a time would be 360 days. Seven times would be 7 X 360 = 2520 days. Counting a day for a year, 2520 years. So from 607 BCE to 1 BCE = 606 years, and from 1 BCE to 1914 = 1914 years. 1914 plus 606 equal 2520 years. So the gentile times ended in 1914. This is the year that Jesus Christ began his rule and Satan was hurled to the earth [ Revelation 12;7-12]. The earth has seen virtually constant warfare since 1914. We have yet to see the governments now in power actually " do away" with religion as we know it in their attempts to maintain peace. First Thessalonians 5;2,3 " For you yourselves know quite well that Jehovah`s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever it is that they are saying " Peace and Security" , then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang upon a pregnant woman". President Bush and other world leaders are being gathered together for the final battle described in Revelation 19;19 with " the One seated on the horse and with His army". This can only be the resurrected Jesus, finally cleansing the earth. And there are a lot of honest people throughtout the world, of all races, who want to be on His side. |
Re: Bush = final president
From: rai130-ga on 30 Jun 2004 09:08 PDT |
Pink is right... every generation seems to think its the last... oh, the arrogance of our species! |
Re: Bush = final president
From: pugwashjw-ga on 02 Jul 2004 06:42 PDT |
for rai130, The bible has actually answered your comment. Second Peter 3; 3,4..For you know this first that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desire, [4] and saying "Where is this PROMISED presence of his. Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, ALL THINGS ARE CONTINUING EXACTLY AS FROM CREATIONS BEGINNING". Yes!, I agree Rai, that every generation claims it might happen, and seemingly never does, but it will, and soon. All the pointers are there for anyone to see. Second Timothy 3;1-5 |
Re: Bush = final president
From: lfactor79-ga on 05 Jul 2004 03:38 PDT |
"As I have said since a few days after 911, President Bush will be the last President of the united states as We The People have mistakenly come to know it." Fred Smart 888-606-9379 This is the best I could find on the internet, I don't think anyone who is well known said this but if they did I would have to guess Benny Hinn or som other TBN "Prophet". Here are some links to Fred smart and where I found the imformation. http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/8-12-03/discussion.cgi.16.html http://www.dougkenline.com/aboutfredsmart |
Re: Bush = final president
From: etzioni-ga on 18 Jul 2004 23:32 PDT |
as Noam chomsky put it in his book "hegemony or survival" , the ruling classes, put their hegemony above anything else, and given the power they posses at our time they certainly capable to poseing a real therat to survival of the human civilization, and in fact their endless pursuit for increasing violence in our society as well as their pursuit for the destroction of the biosphere could mean the end of civilization, and in that sence if bush is succsessful enough he could be the last president. |
Re: Bush = final president
From: angeld-ga on 10 Aug 2004 10:47 PDT |
I don't know if this is what you heard about and are looking for, but here are some websites with "The Last U.S. President". http://www.etpv.org/2003/tlastus.html http://www.geocitites.com/angeldahilig/ |
Re: Bush = final president
From: answersguy-ga on 10 Aug 2004 13:06 PDT |
Just because an evangelist is well known, does not mean they are correct. The bible states that no one knows the time when Christ will return, thus meaning that no one can predict the time that he will. Benny Hinn is well known, and is considered a false prophet in the Christian community. For his strange /bizzare claims and prophecys. George W. Bush is an excelent president, guided by his sytrong Christian faith/morals. I'm sure he's going to be re-elected, But as far as him being the last president, I can't say that he won't, But chances are he won't be the last. But there is absolutely no way for anyone to know this either way. ThanX http://www.crosswalk.com <>< |
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