Dear Google Answers,
I've been using google answers for a while as a nonpaying member,
However, I've been unable to locate this following queastion/answer
and would rather pay google answers to do the research for me then do
it myself.
I'm looking for a new cell phone that is hackable and has a wireless
network card 802.11b or 802.11g and cell phone service provider.
List of priority
1. Low Monthy Cost, no hidden charges.
2. Feature Full Cell-Phone or pda.
* Linux Base.
* Community Links.
* Wireless nic 802.11b or 802.11g and/or rj45 connector
* Sip emabled
3. Low Start up Cost (I am fine with rebaits: aka $300 down, with a
$300 rebait = 0$ Start up cost.)
[Addtional infomation]
Las Vegas, NV. USA Area.
I would use about 600 Any time mintues per mth, As long as i had Free
Weekened and Night Calling. I make most of my calls on my cell phone
at Night, and on the Weekends.
Basicly, I have a Asterisk PBX box. I plan on giving out my number
that points to my pbx box. When there is an incoming call on the box,
It will check to see if my mobile phone is currenty connect to it. Via
Sip. if it is it rings my phone via sip, If my phone is not currenty
connect to my asterisk box, aka i am not in a wireless network area,
My asterisk box will then transefer the call to my Cell phones real
number. Where it would then ring. When I make an outbond call I would
like to use SIP if its available, Pipeing it though my Asterisk box,
and if not, then my Cell phone Service Provider. So when i am at home,
or at my office in my wireless network areas, I would get Free Calls.
-The ideal Person to answer this queastion would be someone who has
already done this, or someone who can point me to the people who are
doing this.
I will accept answers, That only answer the Cell Phone/PDA part and
not the Cell Phone service provider part. but Ideal the answer would
in include a Cell Phone/PDA that cost $420 with a $420 rebait when you
sign up for 2 years of service with Cell Phone Provider X. and of
course Links on HowTO load the Sip software, program the phone/pda
Thank You Google Answers! lets see how Pimp you are.
PS: Google, and Gmail are awesome. |
Clarification of Question by
01 Jul 2004 13:36 PDT
Dear Google, Even know I have posted this queastion, I have still been
looking for the answer for myself, Cuz i really want to know.
I dont know Much About Bluetooth, But Maybe a Bluetooth enable Cell
Phone, that i can load a Sip SoftPhone on, would work instead of a
802.11, I just honesty dont know if I'll beable to connect Bluetooth
to my Lan network, So i would need links to get Bluetooth Lan Setup,
If you wanted to tell me about a Cell phone, that has Bluetooth and
links on how to get the Sip Software on them that would work instead
of an 802.11 network.