The episode that you have in mind is Episode 160: Attached
Below you will find references where you mayverify that this is the
correct answer.
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Attached
Episode Number 160
?While on a diplomatic mission, Dr. Crusher and Picard are captured
and imprisoned. As a result, they are linked together via a telepathic
TV Tome
Star Trek - The Next Generation, Episode 160: Attached
?The oft-hinted romantic spark between Captain Picard (Patrick
Stewart) and Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) flares a bit in this
episode written by Nick Sagan, the son of the late scientist Carl
Sagan. Taken hostage by a race called the Prytt--who don't want a
neighboring species, the Kes, to join the Federation--Picard and
Crusher eventually make a break for it but find (because of a Prytt
shackling device) they are attached via their brainwaves. Subjected to
uncontrollable sharing of their thoughts, the two soon discover much
about each other, including an unspoken, mutual attraction.?
?While transporting to the Kes, Crusher (Gates McFadden) and Picard
(Patrick Stewart) mistakenly end up in a Prytt prison cell where they
are accused of conspiracy and implanted with strange electronic
After managing to escape, they make their way toward the Kes boarder.
But it's slow going because the devices implanted in their necks allow
them to read each other's most intimate thoughts. Now, as they try to
hide their true feelings from one another, the rest of the crew
struggles to negotiate their freedom.?
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Picard read each others mind Star Trek
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Best regards,
Bobbie7 |