I am looking for detailed guidance on creating an interface in
Microsoft Access to link to Microsoft Project using Visual Basic for
Applications in Access. I want to be able to enter data on an Access
Form and have that data appear formatted correctly in Microsoft
Project. My goal is to provide an interface between access and
project. I would like to be able to enter in data into an Access form
for the following Microsoft Project fields and have the data appear
correctly formatted in Project; the project fields are: Task Name,
Start, Duration, Actual Start, Finish, Actual Finish, Resource Names,
Predecessors, and Percent complete. Your help is very much
appreciated. |
Clarification of Question by
06 Jul 2004 10:13 PDT
1. The program does not necessarily need to store the data values
within Access, just pass the data to Project in the correct format. I
chose the Access interface for two reasons: 1) this program will be
part of an already existing database that stores links to project
documentation. 2) Access VBA is the Object Model I am most familiar
with, I thought maybe the necessary data could be collected in either
an Access form or a series of input boxes.
2. The program would be used anytime this button within Access is
clicked. So, potentionally it could be used on an existing Project or
a new one depending on the circumstances. There is a variable assigned
to the Project file name, so that is how I would determine which
Project file is to be used. The program needs to be able to manipulate
existing project tasks/information. So, if the data needs to be stored
in Access that is fine.